Resolutions (now that January 2007 is dead and buried)

Feb 04, 2007 15:25

It was a quick month, not a lot of time to get things done; did others notice that (I know girliejones and artist_writer did)?

So what did I do towards my goals through my almost 100% ill in January month then?


Water consumption (in litres):

70 / 730
Why did nobody tell me how stupid this was to keep a track of? I think I'm about five litres off my goal but that's pretty impressive methinks. I'm not going to have this as a shiny thing anymore but will continue with it as a resolution.

Weight loss (in kilos):

0 / 6
I know eneit is right about the weight loss/muscle gain ratio but I haven't done any exercise (see illness) and so this is not doing anything, in either direction.

Exercise (twice a week):

1 / 104
Only a 103 left to do? Wow, that's cool! *looks sarcastic*


Move home:
I'm mentioning this because we nearly did, two doors down no less... *smirks*. The wife is looking for a job that she's pretty keen on getting (wish her luck) and so this may set up a natural move... more to come.

Meet 5 people on flist:

0 / 5
Give me a chance people!


Books read:

3 / 52
I'm off, I'm two behind but I'm actually reading one at the mo that should be finished soon...

Dickens books:

0 / 4
None of them were by Dickens, no. I seem to have a number issue here as I wrote five to read last month but I have, of course, read one of them, that was last year.


Short Stories:

2 / 12
This is looking pretty damn impressive, only four days into the second month and two are already written with another in planning stage; go me! *does a little dance*

ASif reviews:

1 / 12
On schedule.

SF Reader reviews:

1 / 12
On schedule.

Edit book:
I came bloody nowhere in the 3-Day Novel competition and so a decision has to be made here.

Find publisher for In Bad Dreams:
Well many of you have heard about the manic couple of days we had putting together a draft first copy of the book and now we are sat with fingers crossed.

Start publishing company:
The business plan has been sent in for proposal and I have been given a four week maximum response date (that's only three weeks left)

Not looking bad actually, if you take the health bit out, but hey, can't have everything!


I forgot the two extras didn't I?

Films seen:

6 / 52
This is going along as it should, the good thing is that the resolution is forcing me to watch stuff and that can only be a good thing!

Worthy link of the week:

4 / 52

I'm not 100% here but I think it's four, I'm one behind, I must remedy that!

resolutions 2007

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