Aug 03, 2007 13:11

Hi everyone-- I'm back! Believe it or not this is the first time in nearly a month that I have had to write anything. Work has been INSANE and adding a vacation in was nuts too.

Speaking of vacation, what a great time we had! It was HOT AS BLAZES in DC/Baltimore last weekend but we still had a good time.

Favorite sight: The National Cathedral. 
Favorite meal: Pazo, Balitmore. 
Strangest moment:
Worst moment:  the endless hours sitting in traffic because of STUPID MAPQUEST-- turns out there are a lot faster routes from our hotel to ANYWHERE we went.

Things are great on the home front. I am now managing the entire team at work-- so essentially I finally built the empire I envisioned a year ago. Now I have to deliver. Ugh. Wish me luck, annual reviews come out in the next few weeks, along with bonus and salary increases... PAPA NEEDS A NEW DECK!

This weekend is all about relaxation, with a few chores mixed in. We have a party at the Alcorn residence on Saturday. I am anticipating needing to sleep in on Sunday.

Big Brother: Someone please kill Jen. Poor Nick, what will I do without getting to see his SMOKIN' HOT BODY every week? Is it me or did he get HOTTER with the mowhawk? DAMN!

Speaking of hot, there were some HOT daddies in Georgetown and Baltimore Inner Harbor. YUM. I was drooling most of the weekend!


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