
Jan 13, 2012 12:35

Okay, that's it. Fed up now. Because Google "improved" its search algorithms by integrating Google+ "personal" crap into its results, I've deleted my Google+ account.

It's enough that Google's recent changes to Picasa Web Albums for a while screwed up the way I post images to my Google-driven "mostly movies" blog. But these latest undesired "enhancements" just foul up my Google searches with unasked-for social-network detritus that makes what once was an easy-like-breathing search effort into what is now something else I have to skim through a handkerchief to remove content I didn't ask for.

It's a cryin' shame. While most of my social networking is done via Facebook (privacy settings, yes, yes, I know), I liked Google+ not because it's easier or smarter (it's not), but because thus far my "circles" there were refreshingly free of the petty complaining and pity-fishing that seems to be a growing percentage of "social" content. Because that percentage is so high, its cumulative effect has been wearing on me like a cheese grater, exposing my own raw nerves underneath, thus making me less productive and less good company in my own right (hell, in my own head). So I'm making an effort to filter/reduce/avoid that percentage as much as possible in my own choices of online venues and interactions. (And yes, I acknowledge that I may be perceived to be complaining pettily myself here. I get that.) Google+ was by comparison relaxing and almost energizing in the lack of metronomic complaining and pity-fishing that scrolled before my eyes. So I'll miss that.

If Google ultimately retracts its recent changes due to public hue and cry, I may go back to Google+. But because after deleting that account I can already see big improvement in my mundane Google search results, I won't miss it very much.
