Dec 02, 2010 23:45
Quote of the Week:
"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us."
--Joseph Campbell
Wisdom of the week:
Were ok with slavery
WHAT? you may ask your self. What about the Emancipation Proclamation.
Read the fine print that was only in southern states that left.
Ok we the people are against any person owning another person.
However we turn a blind eye when companies own people.
Companies do not pay people enough to survive on, most are unwilling to have full time staff, as then they save money on benefits.
With our country in a recession, you can't leave your current job, because their is no other job to be had.
Recently I went to a chain restaurant and my order got messed up, it happens .
The take out person responses was "The cooks are Mexican they don't speak English"
I found this offensive, the corporate office found this offensive and sprung into action.
They asked me to give them a call, and I did. They found anyone saying that horrible.
They mentioned that staff should be cheerful and pleasant and I suggested they pay their staff more. The vibe I received from them was - that's crazy talk. Their first line of defense was, they earn tips. So begging, basically.
Talking to girl that works at Starbucks, she can either pay for her apartment or breaks on her car.
PC Richards staff works only on commission, mandatory 56 hour work week.
You get days off that they chose. Every day thats not a week end, your working for free.
Sure someone is buying a big screen TV Monday morning. But its one person every other Monday your a slave.
We are a nation of slaves, we serve a master with no name of face.
Anyone have a clue how to fix this?