Quote and Wisdom of the Week 9-30-2009

Sep 30, 2009 23:45

Sorry for not posting last week, I was sick with an a space virus, and I was busy being a Freemason last Wednesdays, still waiting for the awesome to kick in.

Quote of the week:

“Comics, with their minimal budgets, can afford to take risks and break rules in this area that Hollywood and TV producers are generally afraid to do. We’re at the front line of the world’s collective imagination, so there’s no need to be so timid.”
--Grant Morrison (http://comicfoundry.com/?p=1693)

Wisdom of the Week:

After watching the Opera “Salome” (by Richard Strauss) it occurs to me that Lust and Greed are “Kissing cousins” or in other words very closely related. Sometimes they make a person act the same way.
Life update:

In the Stages of grief I think I am at anger. Karen recently emailed me to say “Hi” and the first few thoughts were “why are you emailing me? Your on ‘you path’ this is ‘my path’ leave me alone!” Then I had the urge to hit her in the head with a brick.

I knew that was just the crazy in my head talking, and I had things to go do.
So I waited and latter wrote back “Hi” and gave her the link to Ted Naifeh http://tednaifeh.com/ an artist / writer we both like. He will be doing some new stuff soon.

As I just want to post this and get back to watching Glee, I will talk latter about how I might have been a bit hot and cold in the relationship and how long Karen and I been dating, it depends on how one counts it.
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