Report from 'The Best Four Days in Gaming'

Sep 01, 2007 10:43

Well, you can see how well Gencon is going by the fact that I'm sat here at 10:30. in a cafe. updating my LJ.

So far I've found out that apparently Larpers are 'difficult' and haven't given Horseman a fair chance. I can't find anyone to do with the one Larp which is allegedly running & there are no spaces in the morning or afternoon tabletop games which are being run.

So, so far Gencon is rather a wash out - I'm so glad I only wasted £20 on a day ticket. Let's hope I can find some bargains at the trade hall, otherwise it will have been a completely wasted journey.


Well, the trade hall was well worth it. Loads of SLA stuff, some nice Cthulhu material by Dave Allsop, a sci-fi supplement by Grimm, a beautifully produced new game called Corporation and a very empty wallet. All in all well worth it.
I'm now signed up to an LG game this evening and have a couple of demo games lined up this afternoon, so it's looking up.
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