An old one that I've never done before..

Aug 21, 2007 08:47

Since this has appeared back on the LJ radar and I never did it first time:

Elaborate on your default icon.

Found it on the 'net a few years back. Thought "Yeah, a cloud bleeding from his anus, this'll sum up my posting style perfectly!" No hidden meaning or nowt, just thought it was a little different than having a crap symbol/photo etc. ;)

What's your current relationship status?

Engaged. Hopefully changing to married in a few years.

Ever have a near-death experience?

Not acciendent wise, although my life did seem to stop for 3 months when I was 16 when I had to wait before I could have a HIV test (I passed, obviously).

Name an obvious quality you have.

The ability to laugh at anything, no matter how black. I found this quality to be of the upmost importance in this existence. Plus, I seem to have an almost-infallable bullshit detector and my gut instinct seems mostly spot on, which helps.

What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?

'Living On A Prayer', or Shagging On The Stairs' (either version) by Bon Jovi.

Any celeb you would marry?

Not really. Shag, sure, but the media shit would get on my titties a little...

Who will cut and paste this first?

Ha! Who reads this shit at all is more important!

Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?

When I was younger, apparently Burton C Bell. Nowadays, Bill Sodding Bailey and 'im out of Hammerballs.

Do you wear a watch? What kind?

Naw, the straps keep breaking due to my 'shennanigans'.

Do you have anything pierced?

Nope, I generally think (with VERY few exceptions) that piercings are messy.

Do you have any tattoos?

1, on my right arm (shoulder joint). It has a meaning that I never really tell anyone, and I hardly ever show it off. People who have tattoos just for show and show them off frequently don't do much for me in that respect.

Do you like pain?

No. I'm not an idiot.

Do you like to shop?

Yes, for toys etc. The weekly Tesco expedition doesn't usually have much excitement for me, but, as with a lot of people, it's a (small) legal high when you get something you'll enjoy the shit out of.

What was the last thing you paid for with cash?

Except for food shopping, a pair of Creative Giga speakers for the computer.

What was the last thing you paid for with your credit card?

I never use credit cards. I seem to be one of the very few people in this country who doesn't.

Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?

Me mum.

What is on your desktop background?

KILLDOZER!!! (look at wiki for the background on this story. NEVAR FORGET!!!)

What is the background on your cell phone?


Do you like redheads?

Yes. Women who like dying their hair red even more.

Do you know any twins?


Do you have any weird relatives?

No more than anyone else in rural Herefordshire.

What was the last film you watched?

The Bourne Ultimatum. Not as good as the 2nd one, but good enough. Before that, 80's classic kid's film The Monster Squad ("WOLFMAN'S GOT NARDS???).

What was the last book you read?

Don't really read books any more (just mainly get my stories/knpwledge of the net nowadays). Busy reading The DSA Theory Test Book For Large Vehicles at the mo.

Is there such a thing as love at first sight, or it is more likely to be "lust at first sight"?

Lust is far more likely than love. Love is about trust and depth. Only the most shallow/insecure believe in love AFS.

What's your favourite novel series?

Probably Arthur C. Clarke's Rama series. Can't believe the first film was planned to be made using David Fincher, that'd have been something...

When was the last time you visited the street where you first lived?

Apparently this was a block of flats when I was a baby, so no.

Do you read your horoscope?

Not really. Used to when I was younger, but that were the days when I was looking for any chance of hope in my life.

Who's your favourite of the seven dwarves?

Ian Wright.

When was the last time you googled your own name?

A few years ago. I found out I own a building company and a chain of hairdressers. Nice.

What was your favourite subject at school?

A tie between the sciences and English. I'm suprisingly better at english (esp. Lit) than sciences, but I decided to go for the sciences at A level as there'd be more chance of a career after uni. After 6 years of playing my cards right, it's proven to be the right course of action. Helps that I enjoy science too, mind.

What was your least favourite subject at school?

I would stereotypically say RE, but that was actually funny.
French, I suppose. I found that I am a typically xenophobic Brit in that I cannot learn another language very well.
Latin can get fucked too.

Do you like having your photograph taken?

Not properly. Hence why there's not many good photos of me floating in existance.

What time were you born?

No idea.

Ever seriously questioned your sanity?

Used to, but now I realise that I'm no more fucked up compared to the usual joe, just more like I swallow my emotions like anger etc., and having trouble expressing them unless I snap or when I'm drunk, leading it to be a raging whilwind of snide catty pisstaking and inapropiate actions.
Since I've realised this, though, I'm getting better.

How many phone numbers do you have memorised and can say off the top of your head?

Not many these days.

Can you Limbo?

Probably if the bar was set at 6'.

Have you ever killed your own dinner?

Yes. I used to go fishing a lot when I was a kid. Plus, at my days at Sun Valley, I not only killed my dinner, chances are I killed your dinner too.

How long have you been living at your current residence?

Over 2 years now. Even though it's a small flat, we've got it how we want it now, and are set to weather the inevitable shitstorm of rising interest rates, council tax and everyone screaming when they're in the red as the economic chickens come home to roost.

What phobias do you have?

Fire/getting burnt and the abyss.

What's your ideal breakfast?

Big fry up if I'm hungover, honey on toats if I'm not.

Where are you right now?

At work, waiting for some parts I'm gonna test to be delivered.

What book or movie best summarises your personality?

Me, Myself and Irene or Rodger Dodger.

If you could suddenly get the skill to play any single musical instrument, which would you choose?

Since I can play guitar not too shabbily already, I'll go for drums.

Why do you blog?

Only do when I have something to actually say.

Do you have any prejudices you're willing to acknowledge?

This reminds me of Micheal Caine's line from Austin Powers 3: "There's two things I hate in this world; Intolerence, and the Dutch!"

What would you call your autobiography?

"Has he fucking shut up yet?" or "The cat that swallowed the barley"

What's the longest time you've stayed out of the country/where?

A week, when I go to Wales on holiday.

Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc..?


Do you have nightmares frequently?

Not really, although I do have panic dreams about revising, 3 years after finishing uni. That last year really must have left a mark...

If you were another person, would you be friends with you?

Sure: I'm trustworthy, funny, and kind when I want to be (apparently). If you don't like yourself, who will?
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