These two parents right here: Heard about this last night, but since no-one here has mentioned it, I will.
I mean, what the HELL were they expecting to happen? Why didn't they check to see who she was inviting?
This goes towards the ol' "Parents should keep a close eye on what their kids are up do" debate, and in this case, it's true.
But more scorn has to go towards the girl hereself for not knowing how fucking MySpectuluminsertionhasbeeninfectedwiththecockroachherpes works!
Who the hell would want to hold a 'Skins' party IN THEIR OWN HOUSE anyway? Don't she know the first golden rule of Houseparties?
Fuck it, if I caught wind of it, I would have gone myself. There's nothing funnier than watching a teenager learn a lesson in the funniest way possible.
I wish more parties were like this, though. I think the last one I went to which came anywhere near this was Glam Al's birthday party back in 2002 (Spike's one last year doesn't, Cake Incident or not).
I used to think this type of party was a myth, that the type you see in American TV/Films never existed in real life.
But thanks to a retarded attention-seeking daughter and her un-involved Volvo-driving parents, it has this time.
And the whole story is worth it for coming up with the term 'House Rape'!