the meme so my slutty friend doesn't feel so slutty

Aug 18, 2008 11:38

For Pretty Pre-Teen Preetz:

- First thing you wash in the shower?
my solar plexus.

- What color is your favourite hoodie?
a washed out teal, given that it is 8 years old.

- Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
85% likelihood, his relationship status not withstanding.

- Do you plan outfits?
For special occasions, hofosho.

- How are you feeling RIGHT now?
Frustrated with stupid Tropical Storm Fay.

- Who was the last person you kissed?
A boy with well hidden qualities who usually has a girlfriend.

- Person before that?
No comment.

- What are you craving right now?

- What comes to mind when I say cabbage?

- Do you make prank calls?
Used to, not no more.

- Ever hooked up with someone out of state?
Out of the country!

- Do you sleep with any stuffed animals?
If I haven't kicked him out, Bunny.

- Would you dance to the taco song?
Maybe. "How drunk am I when the taco song comes on?"

- Have you ever counted to 1,000?

- Do you bite your ice cream or just lick it?
Mostly lick, but if a bite is necessary, I'm not against it.

- Do you like anyone right now?
I like a lot of people. Does "like" mean "have a crush on?" In that case, no.

- What do you think of crickets?
I think they're pretty cool. Unlike Preeti, I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT NATURE.

- Have you ever met a celebrity?
Muhammad Ali came to my father's bookstore when I was 8.

- Do you like cottage cheese?
With the right accompaniment.

- What are you listening to right now?
Diane Rehm.

- Would you go sky diving?
If it was on someone else's dime. Skydiving is pretty pricey, I'd rather stay on the ground and drink alcohol and maybe have unprotected sex.

- Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?
If it was his treat and really fancy and I could get knee-walking drunk and laugh in his face and ask him how he got to be such a douche-tard.

- Would you throw potatoes at him?
If they were mashed and garlic, no. But if they were raw, absolutely.

- Is there anything sparkly on you?
at the moment? I'm in my dull pajamas.

- Do you rent movies often?

- Who sits behind you in your math class?
The...last time...I was in math

- Can you count backwards from 74?

- Who are you going to be with tonight?
Depending on the weather, mah family. Oh, there goes my eye twitch.
Otherwise I'll be at a film screening at the only record store between here and broward.

- Brown or white egg?
There is no nutritional difference between brown and white eggs. THEY ARE THE SAME ON THE INSIDE!!!

- Ever been on a train?
Indeed I have. Not including the subway, I'm a fan of trains.

- Ever told someone you loved them?
I told someone "I think I love you." Let's just say it led to some interesting times and some fancy mind games.

- Do you have a cell phone?
Mais bien sur.

- Are you a virgin?
Yes. Yes I am. In opposite world.

- Any kids?
Not unless you count the 135 that I have to help apply to college.

- What is your best friend doing tomorrow?
Hopefully walking around Costa Rica.

- Ever had cream puffs?
I've even made them!

- Ever had Breaded Shrimp?
Hail Hail Red Lobster.

- Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?
No. I will never pay money to see Ashton Kutcher on the big screen.

- What was the last question you asked?
School is closed tomorrow too? How the hell am I supposed to get paid?

- What was the last CD you bought?
Ra Ra Riot

- What is/was your bus number for school?
1304. I think.

- Is your hair curly?
...and AWESOME!

- Last time you cried?
Last week, I was surfing the crimson wave.

- Ever walked into a wall?
If you look up klutz in the dictionary, you'll find my picture.

- Ever walked UP a wall?
I've CLIMBED up a wall.

- Have you ever bought anything from PacSun?
Uh. No. And I've never owned anything from JNCO either.

- Favourite time of the year?

- What's your favourite number?

- Favourite colours?
greens and blues.

- Do you have any piercings?
Yes, but they are vestigial.

- Do you have any tattoos?

- Who was the last person you held hands with?
Ho-Ho Schmatz.

- Do you sleep with the TV on?
Not unless I'm rully rully drunk.

- Do you like your life right now?
Can't complain.

- How do you feel about 'love'?
I'm for it.

- What is your favourite animal?
All animals are created equal, some more equal than others.

- Do you have good vision?
It works, but I need glasses to read the fuzzy road signs.

- Can you hula hoop?
More like, RULE-A-HOOP.

- Could you ever forgive a cheater?
My bad. That's your man?

- Do you have a job?
I do. But natural disasters are getting in the way.

- What are you wearing?
Boxers and a tank.

- What does your hair look like?

- Ever climbed out a window?
multiple times.

- Can you handle the truth?

- What was the most recent thing you bought?

- How often do you talk on the phone?
once a day, I spose.

- What's the longest you talked to someone on the phone?
a coupla hours. long enough to run out the battery.

- Do you hate/dislike more than 3 people?
Ann Coulter counts as a three-headed demon.

- Are you sarcastic?
Fully fluent. But I'm also extremely gullible.

- Have you ever slapped someone?
Oh yes.

- Do looks matter?
Yeah, but if a good looking person is a total idiot, I'm done.

- Do you use chapstick?
If I can avoid it I do, but if I'm desperate, I will.

- Are you too forgiving?
I don't think I'm TOO forgiving.

- Do you own something from Hot Topic?
Yeah, I like their cheap jewelry.

- Do you own a gun?
Mah Daddy does.

- Where are you located?
Miami Proper.

- Have you ever been in a castle?
Yes. Europe has more castles than they know what to do with.

- Do you like your hair?
I've learned to love it.

- Do you like yourself?
I love myself, but I've got character flaws.

- When was the last time you talked on AIM?
Last week maybe. Does GChat count?

- Random statement.
I want to watch Monster's Ball. It might seem random to you, but it's really not.

- What are you doing today?
Hopefully riding out a VERRRRRRY DANGEROUS TROPICAL STORM. Otherwise I'll be verrrrrrrrrrrry pissed.

you're not the boss of me.
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