i think too much

Mar 07, 2006 22:49

"stay behind and get ahead. detach and become. let go of all and you will be full. let go of all and you will be full."

i think. i feel. i wonder. i question. i observe. i judge. i hope. i accept. i reject. i know.
i am.
i am loved. i am questioned. i am understood. i am observed. i am judged. i am accepted. i am rejected. i am hated. i am misunderstood.
am i?

i am just trying to matter.
i am just trying to matter.
matter to try.
i am.

i am only worth as much as i allow myself to be worth.
i am worth as much as i allow you to think i am worth.
i am who i dress like, who i act like, who i speak like, who i walk like.
i am who you think i am.
i am who i think i am.

i enjoy the psychological aspects of trying to get into how each individual's mind works &how they operate; it is a challenge and i find it very interesting.
i am a very observant person &always have been. in addition, i am very out-spoken, so i tend to voice my observations just as "food for thought".
i observe others and pick them apart naturally; i like to know people, i like to understand people, i like to figure people out, i like to know people's intentions.
i mean well but it can be taken as very far from that.
good or bad, it is how i am. i can not change it, and if i could, i am not sure i would change it.
this is just another example how i keep finding that people's strengths or positives can reverse and seem the total opposite. it all boils down to the eye of the beholder.
i guess i just do not want to be misconceived.
it is not so much that i care what people think about me but that people might get the wrong impression of me or of my intentions. it would just break my heart if someone were to take what i enjoy doing as offensive or anything along those lines.
"care what people think of you and always remain their prisoner."
too much time wasted on what i think people's intentions are with me.
everything is such a mind game for me. everything is analyzed.
my mind never stops twisting &turning.

take away my rules, take away my theories, take away my philosophies.
i am real.
i can only be who i let myself be.
"there simply is what is and that is it. you can use that to be and that is enough. don't talk about it or question it. just let it be. just be."

these are my negatives/these are my positives.
it is up to you and what you will allow yourself to see.
i just have to deal with that.
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