Jan 08, 2005 17:16
Well la dee da! I'm back since the last time i talked...whenever the hell that was, I guess it was on the 24th..WOW thats a while. Well then i guess heres my xmas update. Got an entertainment centre and desk for my room, some DVDs, money, a foosball table. Then on my birthday i got money and a clock. And then i went and spend $100 on CDs and then i bought a $200 chair. Its a sweet executive chair. I feel like the Donald in it.
Onto bigger and better things...YOUR PENIS?!...dude calm down im not talking about my penis. I got together with Cheryl last thursday and friday and sunday and tuesday. We had a lot of fun. She is awesome. I think I love her... but shhhhh Dont tell anyone. ha ha ha im such a loser.
So when i got back to school I had a lot of fun cause i got to see all my friends again. Man i forgot how much fun i had with Dave and Scott and Markus and all of those people.
And its weird, I cant walk down the halls without someone yelling "HEY!! MARK!!" and then i have to yell hey back and i look like a huge tool. I guess it fits but its still weird.
Anyways im out of here for now.
Peace to my homies
-Captain Damnit-