I am Latho - King Of All I Survey, 2005

May 26, 2005 20:08

Don't get too excited, kids. Your Uncle Latho isn't back on the bench in Canberra just yet. Hold your horses.

I've still got a dodgy pancreas, but I'm still not at all chuffed with the state of politics in this fair country of ours. And I'm going to keep complaining until that tosspot greasy troll McHoward is booted from the top job, and until I get to punch Tony Abbott... again. Punching Tony Abbott is like eating Lays Potato Chips - you can't stop at just one.

You thought I was out for the count? Then you haven't been paying attention, you redneck goit. I'm back, and I'm feeling kinda hip-hop, yo. Tell ya friends, tell ya co-workers, and wurd to your mutha: Latho's back in town.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Easter, fuckers. It aint over 'til the fat lady sings, and I for one haven't heard Amanda Vanstone belt out a decent tune recently, because she's been far too busy deporting frail old ladies. And whatta suckhole bitcharse mutha she is, yo - Amanda, that is, not the old ladies... I'm sure the old bat from the Philippines would vote Labor if she could remember who we are, yo.

Talk at you soon,
Uncle Latho

P.S. Why those dumbarse publishing houses are offering to pay 100-grand for the right to publish my political diaries when you can get them all here, I'll never know.
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