Just a few formalities and stuff

Jun 15, 2005 21:18

Beta Readers. Just something I thought I should address (and anyways, we need to get the community rolling).
For those who Don't know, a Beta Reade is just kinda an editor to check things over and accuracy, etc...

If you are interested in Beta-ing, just post below and answer a few of these questions (one again, stolen a bit from our friends at ewan_hayden

1. What do you focus on? (Editing, spelling and grammer, Star Wars Character/whatever accuracy, etc...)
2. Will you do RPS and FPS? Just one?
3. Do you have warnings for writers you Beta read? Things that will make you not read stories, etc...
4. E-mail/messenger information

This is just to keep things running smoothly and avoid major hitches. To you writes, don't take offense from feedback- feed back helps to improve your writing. Beta reades are just trying to help you. Remember, Betas are your friends. If you don't know every single last detail to how to construct a lightsabre, or the parts of a T-16, it's alright, and don't be afraid to post around for help. I'm sure all the Star Wars Nerds (and I use the term affectionatly) will be more than happy to help you out

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