Newbie brings a fic

Feb 22, 2009 17:56

Hey guys!  I just joined the group yesterday, so I bring ficcage to introduce myself...

Title:  Yellow is the Color of Love
Rating:  PG/PG-13
Pairing:  Han/Luke
Spoilers:  none, really
Warnings:  none
Challenge:  Flashslash 94 set 1
Notes:  So I didn't really do a good job of sticking to the time limit (it took me 20 minutes instead of 8), but once I started writing, I just couldn't stop...
Archive:  here, flashslash,; any others welcome, just please ask
Summary:  Han may not think that his holiday with Luke starts off so great, but it sure ends pretty well.

click here to read it at my lj
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