So I watched Holy Rollers (2010).
It took my mind places. I tried to concentrate on the story really but I started getting these thoughts about hooker!Eduardo/Mark or Andrew/Jesse. Thought I'd share. I tried to screen capture and it took ages and ages. Then it crashed. This was my last try. My comp is crappy. I almost just gave up because it just wouldn't freaking capture. If it's blurry well...better than nothing right? This also explains why as much as I want to, I can't do it. It would kill my stupid computer and then I won't even be able to write fic D: yeah so...I wish.
What follows here is less about the movie and is more of a giant blatant prompt whoring. This is a remix lol.
If you want to know what happened in the movie in correct chronological order go here. **SORT OF SPOILERS ALSO WARNING FOR MEDIA + PICSPAM**
At my LJ )
I hope this is allowed?