Title: The Pitfalls of OkCupid.com 1/1
Fandom: The Social Network RPF
kissingcrimeRating: PG-13 (very tame, honest)
Characters/Pairings: Jesse Eisenberg/Andrew Garfield, Jesse Eisenberg/Patrick Mapel, Jesse Eisenberg/Robert Pattinson, Jesse Eisenberg/OMCs
Category: RPF
Word Count: 3,000~
Summary: Jesse's love life is cursed. (That, or Andrew Garfield keeps killing the people he sleeps with.) It's probably just that he's too weird to date.
Author's Notes: Written a bit too late at night, forgive me. This works only on the assumption that Andrew Garfield is a serial killer. Which he is. Obviously.
Warnings: Little bit of blood? Jesse being painfully oblivious?
The Pitfalls of OkCupid.com