You're Not My Kryptonite, Part Three

Nov 04, 2011 18:06

Fic Title: You're Not My Kryptonite
Pairing: Mark/Eduardo
Rating: PG-13. For, like. Language and maybe some gore at some point.
Author's Note: This is a response to  this prompt posted forever ago on kink_meme. I fail at writing and posting anything in a timely manner. In addition, this is THE most cracktastic fic in the history of cracky crackfics. It's crack with cracksauce on it. FYI.
Summary: TSN, except everyone's a super-hero. Mark is the misunderstood not-so-bad supervillain who steals a blueprint from the Winklevii and must hire Chris, Dustin, and Eduardo, super-heroes-for-hire, to help him win the day.

Part One is here. Part Two is over here.

And dear, sweet crazy, we are on to part three! Cookie if you catch the Spiderman reference.

“They’re enormous, dense, and they think I stole their blueprint. They’re called the New Defenders."

(character): eduardo saverin, ! (♥): mark/eduardo, (character): mark zuckerberg

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