FIC: this is your life

Oct 24, 2011 02:23

Title: this is your life
Author: fairy_tale_echo
Characters/Pairing: Mark/Eduardo (optional Andrew/Jesse)
Word Count: ~21,000 total (what!)
Disclaimer: Entirely and totally made up, none of this ever happened, the Mark and Eduardo here are completely fake and based on the fictional characters in The Social Network, no profit made, no infringement intended.
Notes:  Way back in July (!) I started this for a prompt in the tsn_kinkmeme for oflights who wanted " Mark writes his memoirs."  Ever written a story where you thought, I wonder what would happen if the characters went down another path?  That's what happened to me here.  So I...decided to write that other path too!  That means after the set-up and first 2,000 words, this story has two different versions.

You can read them both or just one.  One, besides having Mark/Eduardo also has a ridiculous amount of meta and, yeah, contains Andrew/Jesse too.  I refer to that version as the Tyler Durden version.  Don't want meta in with your story, just Mark/Eduardo?  I call that version the Pulitzer Prize version.  I hope that makes some sense!  Basically, it means you get two versions of the story!  Thanks to oflights for the prompt and patience and slasher48 for always being in my corner.  BIG thanks to this whole fantastic fandom, still kicking a year later, and particularly everyone who cheered me on in the meme when I decided to take this in two directions, even though it took twice as long, and to everyone who hung in there and wanted to hear the end.  I hope it was worth the wait!

this is your life (and it's ending one minute at a time)
this is your life ( Tyler Durden mix) [Mark/Eduardo, Andrew/Jesse]
this is your life (Pulitzer Prize mix) [Mark/Eduardo, no meta]

! (♥): mark/eduardo, ! (♥): jesse/andrew, (creative): fic

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