fic: A Place No One Can See, Mark/Eduardo, nc-17

Mar 22, 2011 13:50

Title: A Place No One Can See
Author: quickpixie
Pairing: Mark/Eduardo
Rating: NC-17
Summary a cleaned up version of my fic based on this prompt from the kink meme

a/n Just so you know, this fic contains rimming, facials, sexings, and Dustin. You have been warned. Thanks to everyone who left such lovely comments for the original fill on the kink meme. You guys are amazing. This fic hasn't been beta-ed, so any and all errors are mine. Cross-posted to my fic journal, wordsofjoy.

So, Dustin is bored. He is really, incredibly bored. And when Dustin gets bored, well, he has to entertain himself somehow - the end results aren't pretty when he doesn't.

So, Dustin is bored and there's really no work that requires his personal attention to be done and…well, dammit, he's bored and he's going to hack Mark. Just for the hell of it. It's something they've done for years, hacking each other. It's not really a big deal. Someone hacks you, changes enough stuff around to be obnoxious, lather, rinse, repeat. He and Mark had had some pretty fierce battles in the past. It's always been in good fun.

It's been too long, Dustin thinks, since they had any real fun what with the manic, exhausting coding for Facebook and the actual running of this huge, revolutionary thing that they've created (and it's not that doesn't think it's amazing, but sometimes, he just needs a reminder of times when they did things just for fun, of what really started the ball rolling in the first place).

So Dustin gets to work. Surprisingly enough, he's come across some pretty interesting and disturbing thinks when he's hacked Mark.

So, when he's nosing around Mark's personal files, and he comes across an innocuously titled video file, "Family Vacation," he thinks he might be on to something good. As paranoid as Mark is about his own privacy, he's never learned to label the really good stuff in a way that doesn't arouse suspicion. Or at least, Dustin's suspicious.

Something good has got to be in here.

Dustin clicks the file and is immediately assaulted by a close-up of Mark's eyes staring right at him. It's unnerving, but, Dustin realizes, not actually happening. Mark's just adjusting the camera. He shudders. It still feels like Mark is watching him from somewhere.

Mark moves out of the frame and the screen shakes as he positions the camera at…a half-naked Wardo? Wait, what?

"Say hi, Wardo," Mark says.

"Hello," Eduardo deadpans. "Mark, can we not do this? It's going to end up on the internet somewhere."

"You know, I'm actually kind of insulted at how little faith you have in me, Wardo. Who, exactly, is going to break into my system?"

Oh, ho ho ho. So you thought, Mark.

Eduardo sighs and flops back onto the bed. "Mark, you'd better make this worth it for me."

Oh. Oh, no. Oh, stop right there.

Did Mark and Wardo really make a sex tape? Dustin is torn between glee and horror. It's possibly the best thing that has ever happened while simultaneously being the most traumatic.

Of course Dustin is going to watch it. Of course he is.

He's always wondered what robot sex was like (not really).

And oh, God, this is going to be great. He is totally editing this thing. He's going going to add in the worst cheesy porn music he can find and he's going to adjust the lighting to just this side of sleazy. Well, maybe just flat out sleazy. He might even dub in some bad porn dialogue. It's going to be the most amazing prank he's ever pulled on Mark. He's a little sorry that Wardo is going to get caught in the crosshairs, but, he muses, you take opportunity where you can find it and Dustin has definitely found it. This is golden.

And oh, okay. He'd been so caught up in planning his epic video that he missed the part where Mark and Wardo actually got naked, and okay that? He does not want to see. Ever.

Why had his brain thought this was a good idea again? No prank is worth seeing Mark's pasty white ass. How had it slipped his mind, in a matter of seconds, that a sex tape would involve actual sex? Ugh.

He shuts his eyes and blindly gropes around for the mouse. He does not want to know, after all. He doesn't think he can sacrifice his dignity and innocence for this.

It's Wardo's breathy moan that has his eyes shooting open. What the fuck?

"Mark. Mark." he draws the name out.

On the screen, Mark (Maaaarrrrk) is currently sucking a bruise into the side of Eduardo's neck. Eduardo's hands are raking through Mark's hair, roaming his body.

As Mark continues to suck at Eduardo's neck, he lifts two fingers to Eduardo's mouth and Eduardo immediately takes them in.

Dustin sits, transfixed, as Eduardo…well, Eduardo's pretty much simulating a blowjob on Mark's fingers, and still managing to moan around them.

Meanwhile, Mark's started a path down Eduardo's body, sucking and biting and pressing kisses as he goes. When he reaches Eduardo's nipples, he takes a nub into his mouth. Eduardo gasps and arches toward Mark's mouth. Mark pulls his wet fingers from Eduardo's mouth, then, and pinches the other nipple, rolling it between his fingers.

Eduardo is writhing underneath Mark, trying to press his entire body to Mark's.

Mark makes a noise that sounds suspiciously like choked off laughter and takes away both his mouth and his fingers. He looks down at Eduardo who looks back at him, outraged.

Mark does laugh, then, and plants a kiss on Wardo's sternum. He doesn't linger, though, instead kissing a trail down Eduardo's middle.

Dustin's just about to cover his eyes again when Mark bypasses Eduardo's cock completely. Eduardo squawks in protest and Dustin silently agrees with him. Mark is such a bastard sometimes.

Mark seems to have other ideas, though, because he just keeps kissing downward, spreading Eduardo's legs and licking the crease of his thigh.

Eduardo sighs and shuts his eyes, canting his hips up.

And what is… People do that? People do that. Oh, God. It's like watching a car crash over and over again. He absolutely cannot look away.

Mark's reaching down and spreading Eduardo open, mouth following right behind his fingers. His tongue slips inside of Wardo.

…Mark has done this before. A lot of times, judging by how comfortable he looks between Eduardo's spread legs as he spears his tongue in and out of Eduardo's body. And yeah. Yeah. Dustin is absolutely going to need brain bleach and also, he's never going to be able to look Wardo in the eye again.

On the screen, Eduardo's got his legs spread wide, mumbling to himself as Mark's mouth starts to work between his legs.

"Fuck," he groans, the word long and slurred as he pushes himself down on Mark's tongue.

Mark raises his head and the camera's angle is just off enough that Dustin can't really see the expression on Mark's face, but he thinks he catches sight of a smirk playing at the corner of Mark's mouth. Total bastard.

Mark's definitely amused. Dustin can tell by his tone as he says, "Don't worry; we'll get there, Wardo."

Eduardo raises his head a little and glares at Mark, swatting at his his head ineffectually.

"Back to work," he says a little grumpily.

Mark's really good at this, if the way Eduardo is twisting around in the sheets is any indication.

"Mark! Fuck!" he gasps fucking himself down harder on Mark's tongue.

And Mark - Jesus, Mark is really into this. He's meeting Wardo on every thrust and his breath is coming in these short, staccato gasps. His dick is already leaking and no one's even laid a hand on it and he doesn't even seem to notice it. All of his focus is on Eduardo - the noises he's making, the angle of his hips, the way his toes dig into the sheets.

Eduardo's breathing starts to speed up and he yanks on Mark's hair.

"Stop," he gasps, "I'm gonna… I want you inside me for that."

Mark stares up at him panting and shaking slightly, disoriented. "I, yeah. Anything you want, Wardo. Whatever you need." And he sounds so unguarded and so young in this moment that Dustin feels a tug at the bottom of his stomach.

The pieces are starting to slowly come together in his mind, and it's becoming abundantly clear that it's not just Eduardo who takes care of Mark. Mark takes care of Eduardo, too, in ways no one else has ever noticed and probably never will, if Mark has anything to say about it.

Dustin's stomach feels light and he feels warm all over. It had always been a worry - a thought in the back of everyone's mind when Mark and Eduardo had reconciled: would Eduardo be able to live with this? He would always be the one who loved best (not more, maybe, but best) and who showed the most devotion and who would always be the one taking care of Mark. Sure, it seemed like what he wanted, but still. It always looked so one-sided and Dustin knows that he and Chris aren't the only ones who wondered if one day it would be too much and Eduardo would leave again and Mark would break into pieces that they wouldn't be able to pick up this time.

But now the picture in his head is changing and he's so relieved. And he's happy. He's so happy for them.

The picture on screen has changed, too, and when Dustin looks back, the pleasant softness of his thoughts is jarred yet again by the thought that he now knows with absolute certainty that Mark is a cocktease and Wardo is…well, he's kind of a slut for it. (He feels kind of guilty for calling Wardo a slut, but if anyone ever asks, he'd assure them that he meant in the best way possible. Yeah.)

Mark's got his fingers lubed up, and he's just stroking Eduardo, pushing at his hole without ever going inside. And Eduardo's moaning and writhing and bucking and begging and it's like the porniest porn Dustin's ever watched. Jesus, Wardo could seriously have a great career in adult entertainment if he ever wanted to.

"Mark," Eduardo finally says in a strained voice, "fucking put them in or I'll take care of myself and you can just sit here alone thinking about that time we almost had sex on camera!"

This seems to get Mark motivated enough because he finally pushes two fingers inside of Eduardo and Eduardo lets out a soft, satisfied sigh.

The look in Mark's eyes says he's fully wired in now - wired into the way Eduardo's body moves, his uneven breathing, the lapse between moans. He pulls one of Eduardo's legs over his shoulder and hunches down, thrusting his fingers with a purpose now. Mark's face is nearly level with Eduardo's ass and he presses a kiss to the inside of his thigh as he works his fingers in and out of Eduardo.

"Now, Mark," Eduardo gasps above him, a shudder rocking through his whole body.

"Don't you want -"

"No! Now! I'm ready!"

And Mark sits up and pulls Eduardo forward, arranging his limbs as Eduardo lays happy and pliant beneath him.

When Mark finally slides in, it's nothing like the frantic sex Dustin was expecting. It's slow and easy and utterly relaxed.

He'd thought, with the way Wardo was going on, that it would be crazy and fast and almost violent in its intensity, but no. This is all comfortable and familiar and, and loving?

Dustin's mind really cannot reconcile this Mark with the one he sees at work everyday. The Mark he knows is cutting and uncompromising and harried. Mark doesn't make the time to be anything but.

But here, but now, on this tape, at this time, Mark is nothing like the cranky genius they all know. He's Wardo's through and through.

Mark's starting to speed up his thrusts a little, leaning down to murmur something unintelligible into Wardo's ear that has him shaking his head and saying:

"Mmm, no. No, don't. I want you to come on my face. Please, come on my face."

God, Eduardo is weirdly polite during sex, Dustin thinks wildly.

Also, he's completely relaxed when he says this, which, Dustin supposes idly, means this isn't something new for them. He grimaces. How are they this kinky? When the hell did that happen? And dammit, why can't he just turn this off?

Eduardo's running his hand down Mark's sides, combing his fingers through Mark's hair. There's a sweet, affectionate smile on his face as pulls Mark's face to his and kisses him languidly.

"Hmm, my genius," he says, "my Mark."

The look in his eyes is strangely familiar. Images of beer and pizza and textbooks and of Eduardo laying in a dorm bed, as Mark's fingers clacking on the keyboard form a steady soundtrack go flying through Dustin's head.

Back then even. How did they all miss it? Eduardo was Mark's best friend, sure, but the look in his eyes…

And suddenly Dustin chest aches because of how long and because of Sean Parker and lawsuits and Eduardo's face that day.

But the onscreen Eduardo isn't thinking about that. He just looks blissfully, wonderfully happy as he skims his fingers over Mark's face, smiling softly to himself.

Then he looks up, eyes wide and trusting, and says, "Will you?" And just like that Dustin is slammed back into the (very unsettling) present.

Mark's hips are circling slowly as he allows Eduardo to caress his face. Mark's smiling just a little and it's an indulgent smile. Dustin has never, in all his years of knowing Mark, seen him smile like that at anyone. Granted, Mark's taken some kind of vow to look as unpleasant as possible, but still. Dustin's seen Mark when he deigns to display his human side and his rare smiles have never looked anything like this.

It's too intimate, Dustin thinks. Somehow, above everything else, this smile is too intimate and Dustin looks away.

"Of course," says Mark, and his voice is as just as Mark-like, just as straightforward as if he were agreeing to…well, whatever it is that Mark agrees to easily. Dustin can't really think of anything off the top of his head except for maybe offers of Red Bull, but even then it's less of an agreement and more of an unspoken question of why it hadn't already been brought to him.

On screen, he can hear Eduardo sighing happily, and he looks back up, eyes half closed in the event that something very wrong (wronger, more wrong, whatever) is happening. But, no, it's just Mark and Eduardo and slow, lazy sex and when the hell did that become not wrong?

"Mark," says Eduardo, momentarily distracted from kissing him. "Mark, I want you - you need to go harder", and he spreads his legs wide in invitation.

Mark ignores him for a few minutes in favor of continuing to kiss Eduardo's face. His forehead, his eyelids, the tip of his nose. Mark kisses and kisses up and down Eduardo's face.

"Mark," Eduardo whines. "Come on. Fuck me right," and he squirms closer to Mark and wraps his legs around Mark's hips, digging his heels into Mark's spine.

Mark levels his gaze at Eduardo, just staring at him for a moment. Then he jerks Eduardo up by the knees and lines his hips up and starts to thrust.

It's hard and it's fast and Eduardo's got a fist in his mouth to stop all the little pathetic sounds from coming out.

"No," Mark says. "I want to hear you. Let me hear you."

And Eduardo's hand is out of his mouth just like that, and he's moaning and gasping and Jesus, Dustin doesn't even need to edit in any porn star sounds because Eduardo's got that covered like a pro.

He's so loud that Dustin wonders idly if someone called the cops on them. He thinks he probably would have if he'd heard noises like the ones Wardo is making.

"Fuck, Mark. Harder," Eduardo's insisting. "You know - ah!" he breaks off when Mark gives a particularly hard thrust.

"You know how much I want to feel this tomorrow." And file that under things Dustin never wanted to know about Eduardo. Ever.

Mark's obeying, though, grabbing Eduardo by the hips and giving a particularly brutal thrust.

Eduardo moans again and a smile flits across Mark's face.

Then he's reaching for Eduardo's cock, pumping it fast and hard, a steady rhythm to complement the pace of his hips.

"Mark!" Eduardo manages to croak, "What the hell are you doi-ahhhhh!"

Eduardo breaks off as the hand on his cock pulls harder and faster and suddenly his thighs are quivering and his whole body is shaking.

Eduardo opens his mouth to say something else and Mark rubs a calloused thumb over the head of Eduardo's cock, and that's it. Eduardo's coming and coming and coming, thrashing around furiously on the mussed sheets as Mark...pulls out?

And Eduardo's still coming, ropes of come still landing on his own stomach and on Mark's chest as Mark frantically pulls himself out of Eduardo and…oh. Oh.

Mark's jacking himself hard and fast. It's a pace and pressure only good for coming right away. Mark's angling his dick, jerking, jerking, throwing his head back in a long moan as he rears up high on his knees and comes on Eduardo's face.

Eduardo whimpers and makes a noise halfway between a moan and a shout and they're coming together, all over each other.

They stay frozen just like that as they each ride out their orgasms.

Eduardo's the first one to regain any sense, and when he does, he tugs Mark down until he's laying fully on top of him. Mark lays against him, shivering and panting as Eduardo's strokes his hands down Mark's sides.

Mark's eyes slit open and he starts to slowly take in his surroundings. Suddenly, they open wide and he's lifting himself up, planting a long kiss on Eduardo's lips and starting to lick his face clean.

They stay that way, Mark alternately kissing and licking Eduardo's face and Eduardo stroking all over Mark's body.

Finally, Eduardo pulls Mark down and settles him in his arms, burying his face in the side of Mark's neck.

"…ve you," Dustin catches. "Turn it off and come to bed with me." Eduardo's words are muffled in Mark's neck, but he guesses Mark can hear them well enough because the Mark on screen is reaching his hand toward the camera and suddenly, everything goes black.

Dustin is in shock. The world feels like it's been tipped on its side. He's just watched two of his best friends have sex, which, now he is going to need a shower. A very long one. Also, his friends made a sex tape, which should have been hilarious, but instead turned out to be filled with little hidden land mines of emotion that no one, including Dustin, has any business seeing.

Everything seems wrong now. Dustin wishes the tape had been what he was expecting - awkward robot Mark with his bitchiness and his complete inability to act like a human being and tolerant, patient Wardo, coaxing Mark into showing affection.

Instead, there was…that. That thing that he watched in which the players looked like Mark and Eduardo, but were nothing like them at all.

Dustin closes the window silently and vows never to hack Mark's computer again. It was too much. It still is too much.

But he's so goddamn happy for them.


! (♥): mark/eduardo, (creative): fic

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