Things I contemplated during my two-hundred-and-fifty (250!) mile roundtrip commute in the ice today:
1) If Archanea/Valencia/Jugdral take place on the same planet as Tellius (which I personally don't believe), then the destruction of the other continents can't happen at anytime remotely close to the gameplay era. IIRC, the math works out so that FE4/5 have to happen approximately 1100 years prior to FE1/2/3. But we know from the ending of FE2 that the dynasty Alm and Cellica establish on Valencia endures for at least 1,000 years. If any sort of ocean apocalypse happened, Valencia would be the first thing wiped out-- Archanea is (we think) a far larger archipelago with mountains in excess of 1500 meters high (per FE3). If Valencia survives, then Archanea and Jugdral wouldn't be affected either. So either the Tellius games are in the far, FAR future of Planet Fire Emblem (or VERY distant past), or they don't take place on the same planet.
Or the other continents were never swamped to begin with.
2) So were Abel and Est actually married or not?
Relationship chart, you confuse me. Abel, if you loved that girl so much that you were willing to Betray the Cause for her, yet couldn't be bothered to make an honest woman out of her... then what the hell is your problem?
3) Looking back over my former fandoms reminded me of all the stupidity from those days that I forget about when I'm being all nostalgic about the Good Old Days of recs pages and essential archives. Things like people squabbling over who got to be miko of this, or miko of that. People having to maintain lists of who was "officially" the Keeper of The Hairpick in Duo's Braid or the Keeper of Heero's Gym Shoes. People who overdosed on Fushigu Yuugi tacking "no da" onto the end of very damned sentence.
4) Eine is such a crappy assassin. How hard is it, really, to kill Marth using magic? She can't have been trying very much, or at all, because a ten-year-old armed with a Thunder tome should've been able to pull that one off.
5) I had something else on par with the geekiness of #1, but the nap I took on getting home pushed it out of my brain. Will edit if I recall it. ETA: I remember now. It was something to do with Alteans being losers. Not the playable ones, the whole country.