FE Birthdays

May 14, 2012 05:33

So, Serenes Forest posted the official birthdays of a lot of FE13 characters.  The non-spoilery characters.

Kind of appalled that Liz has the same birthday as headcanon!Marth, but whatever.  I find this interesting not merely from a perspective of self-indulgence, but because coming up with month names and weekday names for FE universes has always been a bugaboo of world-building for me.  Why on earth would they have weekdays named for Norse gods and months named for Roman Emperors?  FE universes plunder from so many cultures in such odd ways that parallels that systematic felt forced, plus there's that "month of the archer/month of the pegasus" conversation between Kent and Farina.

Then I realized that FE5 did explicitly reference the first of May at one point, and after reading this list I'm just not going to worry about it any more.  So Fire Emblem characters can, indeed, catch a case of the Mondays.  And Leaf is totally a November baby until I find out otherwise.

fe13, meta, fanfiction, fire emblem

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