Jan 21, 2005 19:49
I got my Yaesu VX-7 Uber-Radio today, it's already gotten me into trouble. I went into the mall and found security's frequency then they have something called "DPL" (Digital Private Line) which is a code while the radio is transmitting so that nobody can transmit unless they work for the mall. Well, the VX-7 can listen to them talking, pick up the DPL and program itself. So, I was calling the security people queers on the radio, and this dude we know says that he doesn't believe that I can transmit on there, so I do it while he's standing next to a security guy. He laughs, looks at us, and says very loudly: "I didn't believe that you could really do that!". The security guy realized who we were, and remembered the radio calling him a queer. So he got backup and brought 3 guards and a cop over to us. Long story short, I got banned for 1 year, could be fined by the FCC, and they almost took my radio away because I was being an asshole to them. Oh well, if I get fined, I'll have a cool letter to hang on my wall.