Apr 14, 2011 22:53
Something I was pondering on the train on the way home tonight. Looking round the carriage, I noticed that of the dozen other people in my bit of the carriage, maybe three quarters were talking into phones.
This isn't even particularly unique, on public transport, in shops, on the street. Even where I work, a large number of people seem to be permanently on a call (though admittedly I work for a mobile phone company).
I was just wondering - what is it that all these people have to talk about?
I'm not trying to make any sort of value judgement about the quality of their conversations. Just, as someone with a quite substantial aversion to using a phone at all, I find it amazing that people are capable of sitting there talking at great length, and then as soon as that call finishes, phoning someone else.
I recall the days before the advent of phones-for-all. They seemed like exciting times, with stuff going on, but there didn't seem to be the necessity of never travelling more than four feet from a receiver.
Is there really that much more information to share these days?