This week's been bitter-sweet (leaning more towards sweet I'm happy to report), and I've not slept much. It's been great though!
My dog with Morris after a MUCH NEEDED BATH <3 (Yorkies reek after a certain age!)
GARAGE! On monday. Been ages since I've been. Beforehand me and Ruth headed out to Oran Mor for the 44's and Drive By Argument gig. Both were good, bit of brass then synth, but the latter looked like they had nervous twitches when playing the keyboard.
Mick almost died of shock because it was seven quid at the door (bit bloody steep), but it was good nonetheless. Met Amy Caruthers and gabbed with her for a bit before getting more drunk with Armstrong, downing many a beer, marvelling at the toilets (as we always do), and bumping into Mr Bell, who looked a bit startled to see me staggering away into Spar on Byres Road. Mr Bell is very good for a banter though so it was nice to speak to him!
We then got more drunk in the flat and danced to songs from the musicals like the cool cats we are.
Lou had lambrini on the way to The Garage:
From this point on I actually don't remember much, which is pretty depressing because I've been told we had a great night!
State of my total munter face in this picture:
Had a busy but nice Tuesday and Wednesday, and headed off out to the Cathouse with Ruth to see Mick and the boys play on the Wednesday night. The boring band before them ate into half of their set which rattled my cage quite a bit but it was a great gig all the same!
After the gig we stayed on in the Catty for Gain. Me and Ruth got KB'd in the Counting House by a multitude of bar staff - "You look young! But it's a good thing!" I got really indignant (who wants to always have to carry about a passport with them?) so off we went back to the Cathouse to get pissed there. Lots and lots of people were out and it was a brilliant night. Overheard some girls talking about how hot Kyle was in the toilet when him and "Mad" Jamie used to own the Cathouse unders, had a wee smile to myself as I earie-wigged in on their conversation. Think one of the girls was Rachel who was in my sociology tutorial last year, nice lass. Anyway, much dancing was to be had and emotional goodbyes. Danced with Cait and Adele an awful lot and had a wee skank with Sarah and Megan.
Samson & co. shakin' it:
The Dec pose is officially back:
The progression of Mick's drunkenness on camera:
Thursday was a bit of a nervy one:S Saw Mick off at the airport. Time actually flies in airports (cheesy pun not intended), so our farewell caught me a bit off guard. Didn't really fancy going out on Thursday at all but after a bit of gentle persuasion I was coaxed out for a cheap, spur of the moment night in the art school with Eve and Ruth. The nights that are bolts from the blue are always the best ones! And I was in need of a good cheering up so it was perfectly timed. Met Dec, Iain, Wesley, Andy Sim and Pete in there. I refused to believe that the constant bleeping over the music was a fire alarm - "Stop taking the piss, it's just a bad remix" - but we ended up outside for an hour which was interesting. More than once Ruth and I got mistaken for a couple. Most hilarious moment of the night was the carbs guy in the chippy who wouldn't leave Iain alone. He ended up being a friend of Arlene's, bizarrely. The very mention of her name stirred long-forgotten memories of that wonderful night when she chucked us out in the fields between Glasgow and Edinburgh, which inevitably led to the first Kenny B's. :) What a party.
There was lots of unattainable money stuck in the Caring for you machine.
Me and my many chins:
The outside squish:
Dec enjoyed it though:
Last night, for the first time in ages, work was actually fun! After it I went up to Lou's for a girlie night where we put on facepacks that made me look like a ragtime artist, like Al Jolson, or an oversized jobby. We watched movies, ate, slagged off pisshead celebs like Chantelle and, as the night turned into day, discussed beastiality. Lou was the perfect hostess and just what the doctor ordered for a cheering up. Mick texted me from NZ at 5 this morning so I could sleep easy knowing that he got out of Bankok alive:D