Title: Out In The Cold
snailbonesChallenge: CI5 Box of Tricks Pros Big Bang 2013
Genre: Slash
Characters/Pairing: Bodie/Doyle
Word count: 34,401
Warnings: AU; Explicit M/M; not safe for work.
Just when Ray Doyle has decided it’s time to bring his relationship with William Bodie out into the open, CI5 Controller George Cowley is severely injured. Already under pressure as Cowley’s second in command, Bodie finds himself overstressed by the idea of coming out. And as Bodie starts to pull away from Doyle, Doyle finds his own life spiralling out of control.
This is the sequel to
When It All Comes Tumbling Down, my offering to the 2012 Big Bang, which sets the scene for this AU. Hopefully there is enough background in Out In The Cold that you don’t need to read WIACTD first - but I’m not going to stop you if you really want to.
My sincerest thanks go to:
anna060957 for putting up with my tardiness this year and once again doing a bang up job of beta-ing for me and keeping me on track (“there’s not enough Bodie!”);
snailbones for the absolutely fantastic artwork and for all the encouragement along the way.
Thank you both so much for helping make Out In The Cold what it is today.
Link to Fic:
Out In The ColdLink to Art:
Art Master Post