one step up

Apr 28, 2006 09:22

ok. So the way back to the sun can be started by counting one blessing at a time.

How does your garden grow?

Last year's plant box got knocked off the porch rail, unnoticed by me. So a strawberry plant and my rosemary spent some time upside down and out of the sun. Both plants looked to be gonners.

I replanted the strawberry plant with the new ones I bought this year. That was about a month ago. I'd begun to give up hope when a few days ago, I saw a bit of green on the old plant. Yesterday I saw clear new growth! Very happy about that. The new plants are putting out flowers and I'm hoping the mesh I've put around the planter will be enough to keep the bunnies and squirrels from munching the new berries before I get a chance to munch them myself.

I bought a sad old thyme plant last year. It took more time to harvest its meager leaves than it did to chop them up. On a whim, I cut it back just to see what would happen and wow! what a difference it's made. It's now bright and bushy. Very very tickled. I need to find some thyme recipes. I snipped back part of the old rosemary plant to see if that will help revive it, too. Hoping so as Hubby is very keen on rosemary.

I saved milk and egg cartons to use as sprouting beds for some herbs. I sowed two types of basil (yummy with tilapia), chives, and parsley. I think I also planted some thyme & rosemary as a back up to old plants. After two weeks, nothing was growing. Even the birds and rodents felt sorry for me - I'd find bits of greenery in them each morning! lol So I flipped them into the herb planter I had set up just to see if it would make a difference and it has. I'm finally starting to see sprouts - although it's hard to know at this point what's herb and what's weed, considering the contributions of my tiny yard assistants.

...hehheh. She said 'herb' and 'weed.' hehheh...

So after a sad start, it looks like my garden is growing quite nicely, thank you.


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