Aug 05, 2003 23:09
Current Guest Count: 55 (30% returned)
24 days, 11 hours, 49 minutes
It's amazing how my life revolves around mail delivery at 3:30pm...
Um. Today. Tried calling the 2nd photographer but his answering machine is screwed up. I think he left a second number on my answering machine last time he called; I'll have to dig through all the old messages we never both erasing to see if it's still there.
One of the very few things I miss about living alone is knowing there's food in the fridge. Once you share the abode with someone else, especially a guy, it's the end of keeping snacks any where in the house. I like Hormel Turkey Pepperoni. I eat like a bird; a bag of the stuff would last me for a week. Jeff plows through half a bag in a sitting then leaves the open bag on his desk overnight. *sighs*
So I went food shopping. Hungry. Picked up a lot of Marji-food. Just made sure I bought enough to feed Jeffs, too. Raahhrr! I have returned successful from the hunt! Revere me!
Wow. Really coming up zero tonight. So I guess I'll just shut her down. Good night, all.
married life,