Teh Hubby

Aug 11, 2009 23:40

Jeff was in a car accident Tuesday morning on his way to work, commuting from a friend's house to his new job in Bethesda. The car was totaled; he was not.

His meat is fine - he's shaken up and sore. His grey matter is slightly scrambled - he suffered a concussion and is experiencing some memory issues. The nurse assured me that this is standard in concussions and should take care of itself over the next few days. Broadly speaking, he's lost memory of the last two weeks. However, he does remember some things. He remembers the hell of driving from home to MD Sunday night (I95 was a parking lot). He says he dreamed that he started his new job and they weren't ready for him, which wasn't a dream and really was his first day. His conversations tend to replay themselves after 5 minutes or so. He's relieved that totaled the clunker and not our new car; he thinks he's still interviewing for the job and is continuously stunned to hear that he got it. :)

They're keeping him overnight for observation. I'm hoping to take him home tomorrow (Wed) and will likely stay home with him for the next few days. Heh, I called the temp agency to let them know that Jeff didn't just shirk work today and they looking forward to seeing him next Monday. Good thing the bump on the noggin hasn't scrambled his HTML skills...
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