Random Tuesday Bits

Mar 27, 2007 10:22

Sometimes, you just gotta stop fighting it and give tribute to the porcelain goddess.

Hubby, after a night of coughing: "I wonder if the humidifier is reading the humidity in the house correctly."
Me: "How can we measure that ourselves?"
Followed by a discussion about temporarily liberating my father-in-law's beloved atomic clock and weather center ('he won't notice.' 'The hell he won't.'). A serendipitous check of Today's Two-for-Tuesday Woot revealed: Lacrosse Indoor Comfort Meter. It measures humidity. We bought them.
Seriously. It was like a sitcom.

Over the weekend, Bean was traipsing around with her pink cowboy boots on the wrong feet. I put them on the right feet and zipped them up. She stood up, looked down at the boots, and said "Yee-haw." I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

married life, bean

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