Dec 15, 2007 08:16
it's 8:15 am and I've not slept a wink. no dosing. i know because i was goofing around on ravelry and then started rereading the Fall Vogue Knitting Anniversary issue. And then I did some downloading of pics from my free camera. I still need to learn how to edit and mess with the photos.
so, now what? sleep now? or try to stay awake in this comatose state?
I can tell it will be sleep. But the total reverse schedule is a little annoying. Although a friend of mine kind of has a similar one. maybe i need to make plans with him for when he gets off at midnight. maybe I shall try that.
this bedroom is so much better. i saw the sky brighten. I see trees and different color sky. even though none of my stuff is in here and even though the bed isn't set up properly in terms of window viewing, I think this is better.
I feel better emotionally today. I think a LOT of that has to do with the wonderful people in here who are so kind and caring and know just what to say every single time.
I truly love you all. Really. And I'm not even drunk when I'm typing this, nor have I just won an academy award.
'night all.