Gripe time

Jan 29, 2009 21:00

mynorthwind, you might appreciate this.

OK. I have a bit of a gripe. I'm sick and tired of people talking shit about Memphis City Schools and their graduates. All I ever hear about MCS is all the morons that graduates from the system. It's like if you went to MCS you must be stupider just by association. And it sucks. I graduated from a Memphis city school and I am certainly NOT stupid. And alot of my friends graduated from MCS and I most definitely wouldn't call them stupid either. Now, if you know me I am not one to go in for school spirit or anything, but there is a point where deriding the Memphis schools is a slight at part of my background. That is something I shouldn't have to tolerate. People might say that I'm more the exception than the rule. However, I don't really think MCS is to blame over all the apparent morons that come out of it. The final responsibility falls to the parents and then ultimately the student to learn.  So blame the parents for not giving two shits about their kids and blame the kids from not giving two shits about themselves.  But quit blaming the system.

Ok, I'm better now.
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