Lost in Plain Sight or "If it'd been a snake, it would've bit you."

Jun 30, 2006 10:22

This is something of a response to Just smart enough...

What really gets me is when I put something down [i]right next to where I'm standing[/i] and then instantly forget I put it down, then run around to every place I've been in the last ten minutes looking for it.  You know, like you're unpacking your car and putting stuff in your cabin and on your bunk and you have your car keys in your hand so you put them down on the bunk next to you.  After a bit more packing, you say to yourself "now where are my keys?  They're not in my pocket.  On the bunk?  Hmm, did I leave them in the car?  Geez, what did I do with my keys?!?"  You come back into the cabin, staring wildly all around (at your stuff in your area), when your cabinmate comes over and says "hey, are those your keys on my bunk?"

Oddly enough, one my clearest early memories is almost this exact situation happening to me in first grade.  I come to school carrying this project that I've worked hard on (well, for a first grader anyway).  It was some sort of collage.  Naturally, I play in the playground for a few minutes before the school bell rings, being very careful with my project, then go inside to my desk when the bell rings.  We put our chairs on our desks when we leave, so I put my project down on the desk next to mine, take my chair down, then sit at my desk.  I stare at my desk thinking "okay, where's my project? It's not on my desk, it's not under my desk, hmm could it be in my desk?  Nope, not there.  I know I brought it to school?  Did I leave it on the playground?"  So I run out and look all around the playground.  Nothing.  Back in to class before the second bell rings.  I'm staring wildly around trying to figure out what I could possibly have done with it.  The girl who sits next to me asks "what's wrong?"  "I lost my project!!!"  "Oh, is that it there?"  Whew....

personal anecdote

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