Jun 14, 2011 18:32
I'm a college grad and I officially have no idea what to do with my life. Maybe some hot cougar who's daughter I'm into will try to seduce me and all my troubles will be at an end.
If I stay at home working I will have wasted another year of my life and if I move in with Sam and work for a year I will have wasted a year of my life. One leads to monetary gain, the other to experience, but I believe I can look forward to being lonely, bored and unfulfilled either way. I don't feel like I really have any options anymore. Maybe I should secretly move to vancouver and become a junkie. Or hope my unpredictable sometimes-smarts will enable me to build a passage into alternate timelines and get to one where I can be a unicorn tamer or something.
Because fuck being an adult.
I just feel so screwed over right now. Advertising can eat a dick, this house can eat a dick, my family can eat a dick, my friends can eat a dick, everything can go eat a dick.
I'm going to buy a scooter, go to an undisclosed location, develop an eating disorder and dye my hair blond. Then comes a sex change. I will work myself to the bone, developing muscles and growing out my long mane of blond hairs. Then I will learn German. So well, in fact, that I will develop a German accent when speaking regular English. Then I just need a time machine and a tan, and I will be Fabio.
What do you do when you don't know what to do anymore?