Sometimes I stare at my reflection from the mirror or look at some picture where I'm on and think "who is this person?". lately I have asked myself the question too many times. I'm not the positive person I want to be. Nor am I the slim one. Or even the active one. I'm just a max-normal-weight half-dreaming girl, who thinks she can, but never does. It's good to just sit and think everything will be solved on it's own.
sit and dream. dream and sit. sleep and dream. dream and sleep. whatever...
hi, long time no talk!
What I have been up to the past days?
well... Went to PartySafary again. It's the orientation with a car I talked about months ago. This time I had to run around like a freak, since my team decided to dress like 80s aerobics chicks. with strech-long-black-pants, swimsuit, big and flashy belt, mascara... from you can see my team. No I'm not on the picture, I refused to make a picture of myself.
Then I had a gathering with the girls @ Maarja's. Aplogies for being totally in my world and most likely never could portray Edward Cullen even 25% like he is. At least it seems you girls had fun that's what matters anyway. I'm just sorry for being a "bit" off that day xD Annika's Jack Sparrow rocked!! and others too of course, but you just can't say no to a Jack Sparrow, now can ya?
Then I went outside to party. It was after the PartySafary and before the gathering. Met another long lost relative. Don't you just love when you have a huge relative-circle and many are at the age where they want to party outside?
Then what. well I don't want to go into details, but more or less the last week has been a real eyeopener for me. Eyeopener to the real world again. once again I realized how much of a child I am.. oh well.. experiences experiences where are thou?
today I'm going to try to do some weird schoolwork, which I'm afraid I'm not able to finish today, but I'll try. Tomorrow is time for another schoolwork stuff and in the evening I can finally go out with Kadri, Kati and Heigo again. This time I promise I am not going home before we reach the city xD last time was crazy. I couldn't function the day after and I lost my carkeys that are still lost...
what else? oh, I have school next week again. and then I have birthday somewhere a week after the next one. and then there is new year... and then exams.