Heres a quick update, I have no great stories but I'll try to recap. This week has been intensive business/management/team training. It was ok, we did ice breaker stuff like holding a rope and having to make a square while blindfolded. Normally these things work out like, a few ppl take charge adn everyone else follows. Here though EVERYONE is a leader so everyone is like doing their own thing and no one is communicating and people start screaming at each other. I'm just scared for when we have to do our >100 page team project with over 25 people per group. Last night I went clubbing in Germany. We had a big group...around 20. germany is like a 5 min drive away and it is way cheaper. We ended up at this cool dance club with 1 euro vodka redbulls. The guys were buying trays of 40 so needless to say we all got a little saucy. My roommate yuval ended up taking to some girl for a while. Our friend paul came up and was like "wow look at how good yuval is doing with that girl" and I turn around and my jaw drops, I said "dude Paul THAT IS NOT A WOMAN" they didn't believe me, granted it was a realistic tranny but regargless, paul found a way (i have no clue how) to feel her neck and he said it was like mount everest. (adams apple) anyway. We were honored by the Mayor of Strasbourg in the grand salon in the city hall which was created by Napolean to host his finest guests...that was pretty crazy. We've done other various things but nothing too note worthy. I'll attach some pics of my roommates and friends etc, I dont have party pics yet, waiting for people to post them. My parents are on their way here as we speak and they are coming to our party tonight so I'm pretty excited. Anyway...enjoy the
erin (nebraska) and leanne (canada)
paul (ireland) yuval my roommate (israel and canada)