hmm well well lets see,
Yesterday I went to bobs with my mom and then we ate at the outback =) it was good. I just had a salad and sprite.
Then we went to the searstown mall, i didnt really look around much. But I did get a t-shirt at american eagle O:) And today I am going to my auntys to see my baby cousin ;) who i havent seen in an extremely long time. Then I am going to walmart and food shopping. ugh!
Then I think the season finale of survivor is on =)(= YES! well my mom is letting me on, even though I am suppose to be grounded.
Comment if ya wanna ;]
// Ver. 1
--Name: Marissa
--Birthdate: May 2
--Birthplace: St. Vincents Hosp.
--Current Location: Barre
--Eye color: green
--Hair color:blonde
--Height: 5'
--Righty or Lefty: righty
--Zodiac Sign: Taurus
--Innie or Outtie: innie
// Ver. 2 - Describe
--Your Heritage: Polish, Swedish, and more
--The Shoes You Wore Today: my pink ae flip flops =)
--Your Weakness: ahh bugs =\
--Your Fears: death, drowning.
--Your Perfect Pizza: umm juss plain cheese
--One thing You'd Like to Achieve: umm im not really sure
// Ver.3
--What is your most overused phrase online?: umm shut up or lol
--Your first thoughts waking up: what time is it?
--The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: smile and teeth lol =)
--Your best physical features: umm idk my eyes?
--Your bedtime: whenever i feel like it
--Your Most Missed Memory: im not sure
// Ver.4
--Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
--McDonald's or Burger King: yucky! fast food is gross
--Adidas or Nike: adidas
--Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
--Cappucino or coffee: coffee
// Ver.5
--Do you smoke?: no
--Sing Well?: ha i dont sing!
--Do you think you've been in love?: nope, i dont think so
--Want to go to college: yep
--Liked High School?: uhh only in 7th grade
--Want to get married?: yep <33
--Type with fingers on the right keys: no?
--Get motion sickness: only when i read without a window opened
--Think you're attractive: noooooo!!!
--Think you're a health freak: no
--Get along with parents: ehh most of the time
--Like Thunderstorms: it depends
// Ver.6 - in the past month, did/have you:
--Consumed Alchohol: no
--Have Sex: no
--Made Out: no
--Gone On Date: no
--Go To the Mall: yah yesterday lol, searstown mall!
--Eaten an entire box of Oreos: yuck! no
--Eaten Sushi: no
--Gone Skating: roller skating, yes! w/ halee
--Made Homemade cookies: no, but i juss made muffins =)
--Been in Love: no
--Gone Skinny Dipping: no
--Dyed your hair: highlighted it
--Stolen Anything: from my sister O:)
// Ver.7
--Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: no
--Been trashed or completely intoxicated: no
--Shoplifted?: no, not that i kno of
// Ver.8
--Age you hope to be married?: uhh 22ish
--Numbers and Names of Children?: 2 or 3 uhh ryan, and idk
--Describe your dream wedding: in hawaii lol
--How do you want to die?: old age
--Where do you want to go to college: umm havent really though about it
--What do you want to be when you grow up?: marine biologist =)
--Where do you want to visit for a vacation?: hawaii, maine, australia, alaska =), and the bahamas