Get Free (Mentalist FF for challenge)

Aug 09, 2012 18:51

Title: Get Free
Author: BlueDiamondStar
Rating: K+
Characters: Patrick Jane
Spoilers: maybe only bit from season 3 if your squint really hard
Summary: He was finally free, but was he really?
Author's Notes: A little drabble for Paint It Red August 2012 monthly challenge: Sine qua non.
And a bit of song fic.
Look at me
I just can't believe
What they've done to me
We could never get free
I just wanna be
He should be feeling better. Lighter. And free. He was gone. Finally down the way he put down his victims. The burden was gone. But why he didn't feel the way he imagined he'd feel?

Patrick looked down at his hands. Slight tremors were still thumping through his nerves.
He was finally free, but why it didn't feel that way?

He looked up at the setting sun. The soft, orange glow warmed his skin. But not his heart.
His heart still felt the same way. Why?
It's been only thing in his mind for such long time, it should've feel like it's finally happened. But it wasn't.

All Patrick could feel was the heaviness of him alone, without the agenda pushing him forward, closer to the edge.

It was now past that point, but he couldn't feel changes yet.
He was supposed to feel free. Aside the fact he didn't just yet...

Look at me
I just can't believe
What they've done to me
We could never get free
I just wanna be
I just wanna dream

fic challenge, mentalist, prompt, paint it red

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