Author: MarissaAngell [BlueDiamondStar]
Rating: K+/T
Characters: Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, other random mentions of team. Nathaniel Holler (OC), Commander Noel ''Narcho'' Alisson (OC)
Summary: "We'll be kings forever, ooh
Holding on together, ooh
Feeling so much better, ooh
When everything was wrong, and everything was gone, we ran to Avalon
We ran to Avalon..."
Chapter 2: The Other Side...
Another boring day of Passadora County, Heitagen district. And just as it was boring it was also pretty horrid for someone living on the streets.
Not that Nate ever dreamed of cream castles and high towers. Although a modest place with roof and walls, with bed and food, was something he longed for.
Nathaniel Holler was an average guy in early thirties with dark brown mop of wild curls and crystal blue eyes. Some would even say he was the most beautiful thing while others would claim he looked average.
People from G-Max-PHI-Alpha system that resided on Albus-7 planet were rather stiff and reserved in their attitude towards everything and everyone. They didn't trust lots things and mostly believed and relied on personal experience.
However the new age folks were more and more like some of those who traveled from other galaxies.
All that new stuff coming in made it easier to get money for that same food he dreamed of when there was lesser streak of luck. And Nate was one to thank whatever powers in days like this.
He was having luck since first sun came up. And he got even more of it by the time the second sun rose.
All went splendid until he accidentally hit one of those "active points" that were positioned in places only sneaky folks like him would step on. At least he had taken most of valuable and compromising stuff to hideout before stepping onto one of those electric fields and flying into the air. His luck returned by bringing darkness.
But of course, he had to wake up on the hospital bed, dressed into that annoying cloth they called a "patient's suit". It was something incredibly humiliating and made it impossible for giving a dignified escape from the place.
Maybe for Nathan's luck he felt less than willing to try. He truly felt like burst into flames and dropped into total frost before being dumped in acid.
And that was the least of all. His head felt like after collision with a meteor and his chest felt like a spacecraft was parked onto it.
Only after few moments Nate became aware of his right arm being either completely numb or cut off, he didn't dare look yet. But something told it was most likely just numb.
But why?
Nate's eyes popped open. He looked down at his limb, cautiously and bit frightened.
It was still attached. Good.
But it was looking bad. Bruises looked especially terrifying and there was something silvery covering almost all of the length of it.
"Mr. Holler, nice to see you awake. How are you feeling?" A nurse materialized next to his bed all of a sudden, plunging Nate out of his musings. And they knew his name, the real one. Not good.
"I-I'm fine." He tried, voice hoarse and barely above weak whisper. The smiling nurse had enough brains to put a straw to his lips and mercy to have it pure water instead of one of those awful things they made of some weird powders.
"I'm nurse Jhia. You have some concussion and some deep bruises." She told and took the water away.
He tried to speak again, "What about my arm?" And this time it was only slightly above whisper.
"Don't worry, in a while will be okay. It's just some degree of burns and minor re-shaping." Was her supposedly calm answer. And with that nurse Jhia plugged cable into computer and downloaded his data into portable system. Then a vial was filled with his blood sample she'll take to lab and after that quickly checked something outside Nate's field of vision.
With a friendly pat on the other shoulder and smile that was meant to reassure she was gone.
Nate blinked. Re-shaping. Oh hell and seven wonders, how good that was. Almost as brilliant as getting blown away by a stinkin' boat floating the air while being midair. Oh fucking fine he'll be.
Nate suddenly wanted to throw something only the tiny room was anything but full of vases and books to throw around.
Re-shaping was what 'normal' humans called bone resetting. Here it was something closer to taping the loose ends together with some biological material tape that created tunnel-like formation around the bones and, while at that, injecting numerous painful shots of burning liquid while also hooking the injured limb to another awful liquid by a long needle piercing each of the separated bones.
The main difference was that this procedure meant to heal bone in few days time instead a month.
Oh just how lucky he was.
The reason he wasn't yet climbing walls was only thanks to the strong anesthesia and silver gel covering his arm.
The whole process was incredibly agonizing without any anesthesia or narcotics to ease the pain.
At least they had chosen the safe way with him. Which explained the name.
Nate was a guy who used aliases, almost never his actual name. Because he was still deemed mildly dangerous and also a criminal they couldn't prove exactly. Half the government officials had decided he was dangerous and had been committing crimes. Only Nathaniel got enough lucky to be good enough to not be caught. Yet.
Everyone who knew his real name knew about his grand escape from Trotta Tower and suspected some crime or another.
However none had actual proof beyond that major sky-jumping incident and several other crazy behaviors. But nobody could either pin anything on him nor diagnose anything besides some severe claustrophobia and fear from heights.
It didn't hold anyone from assuming and diagnosing him with whatever felt fitting the moment.
Oh how badly he wanted to just get up and run. Only he was attached to both- his agony and heaven- therefore no running. Anesthesia wouldn't last long, and pain would be mind-paralyzing, then it would all stop only to return with double vengeance because broken bones hurt like bitch and his arm was probably shattered and lacked any fixation device.
Nate bumped his head against the midnight blue pillow- only thing positive about hospitals here: colors. But they didn't help.
He looked at his machine and eyed the panel closer. At least those were all alike. And pushed several buttons combination. Soon relief took over and Nathaniel slipped into unconsciousness.
He was out the following day.
Weather seemed improved and whatever folks lived here less threatening.
Nate walked all the way back to his hideout and wolfed down the food he'd gotten the day before waking up at hospital.
At least he wasn't kept in hospital for his name. Although there couldn't be that much other Nathaniel Holler with such criminal past and suspicions of mental disorder.
He found water and greedily emptied the bottle. Then threw it away with a wince. His arm reminded of still-in-progress healing process. Two more days at most, doctor, who'd finally had enough time for his patient, had said with cheerful face and a pat on his thigh.
However, it didn't lessen the pain and dizziness that took seemingly permanent residence in his body.
Pain was just as expected as dizziness and irregular heart rhythms. After all it was basically a huge stun gun he stepped onto. It was all expected. Right?
Nate slowly and painfully pulled himself upright. Standing took a while of adjusting because dizziness returned with a new agenda.
But he was powerless, a random guy on the streets without money and just as little options.
He set back to some pickpocketing and convenience stores raiding.
For few days it went well. His arm finished healing, and dizziness lessened, only his heart still rebelled.
Maybe something really went wrong, Nate decided yet another time he'd woken up at night of three moons with heart fluttering in his chest in various tempos and rhythms.
He made a note to never again be shocked by electricity, no matter what the voltage was.
But as it was known about the fate things rarely happen by a plan. Especially not in the place where everyday folks lived like it was their last day. And without a plan whatsoever.
This time universe was slightly against him. He was getting vibes that rain would never stop, that maybe better idea was to dress in a hydro-suit, and maybe he shouldn't have gone out at all.
If usual 'soaking wet' expression was used to situations like these Nate believed his case was more like 'drowned fully clothed'.
And armed with that cash he'd fished out of some pockets he had enough mind to enter the store.
He barely even had chosen his stuff and just moved to the cashier post when in a flash of a moment, a blink of an eye, he was plunged into some other world. And this time he didn't even had enough time to react, let alone look around.
"I would like think you aren't one of these shock-junkies, are you?" Voice that was familiar but brought less joy than ever entered Nathan's haze. This probably was karma, he decided.
"Don't worry kid, they'll be apologizing as soon as your brain stops wobbling and your body looks less like a jell-o. You should really remember more from what they taught you at school... oh, right, you weren't even there for all that." The voice finished the lecture warm-up and Nate slipped back into darkness.
The next time he woke up to a soft humming and the melody seemed awfully familiar.
Narcho, the only guy in the whole universe with a matching sense of annoyance that could either be the savior of the day or a complete jackass.
Noel was his actual name, but rarely used since his nickname is by what people knew him most.
Nate's best friend and ally in whatever adventures they could invent. Together they'd been through space and time like some science fiction movie characters, both coming originally from planet Earth, Solar System. Met during a camp at little age during an incident that involved stolen boat, strong current two horses and huge splash down the waterfall in a stormy weather. None of that ever was fully stored in Nate's memory but his partner-in-crime knew and recalled better. Probably because out of two of them his skull had ended up the most solid, although not his back so much.
Ever since that eventful day they stayed closer than twins.
And few years later ended up on a support ship traveling out into space, tucked deeply into a barge supply closet. Somehow survived the journey and started their universe scouting until couple earth-years later got caught and placed into a scientific lab for tests unknown to them.
In the end they found out that Noel was having some DNA mutations and whatnot making him non-material for further tests (they dubbed it all 'experiments') but Nate discovered he possibly has a twin brother somewhere because there had been a ping on sibling search. Without any wish to stay they had escaped and since then skipped from ship to ship, planet to planet, station to station, to survive and try to find something better.
Those had been years of greatest fun a couple of guys could imagine. Until the petty crimes turned to attract big fish from more dangerous circles.
After couple unlucky moments and short jail periods Nate had to flee and realize he was all by himself.
Until this sodden system and particular planet became his residence for longest period ever. And to his utter relief and luck what was obviously meant to stick apparently stuck until the end of time. His friend and brother somehow had ended up in the same place, only now bearing legal status with him being a pilot now and proudly sticking out his small amount of seniority over Nate.
Noel, commonly known as Commander Narcho, was promptly decked out on the silicone mold chair and with eyes closed hummed out a tune from their childhood, that annoying camp morning call tune.
"I'm absolutely aware of your inflated ego taking up space in this tiny room so you can just stop making it annoying and overly visible." Nate said in a voice he wasn't sure belonged to him anymore.
"You know what they say about complicated cases. But I'm sure you know this will be on your record. No faking it this time, forged papers are not a business here and you know it."
"Gee, I was just making a conversation here, bro. And who's talking about anything forged?" Nate already felt like boiling up. His nerves buzzed with his temperament flares.
"Nathaniel, what I told you about trying to con me, huh? You just have to stop playing games, this is not a game anymore."
"What Narcho? Why now? I'm okay, am I not? It was just a damn store, I wasn't even stealing anything." He suddenly became worried that he'd missed something important. Then his friend spoke again.
"Nate, bud, how are you going to explain this?" And the few years older man pulled out a hospital report from previous time. Oh that, he flinched, that one was supposed to disappear in the buzz.
"Ever heard about term 'accident prone'? Because that's exactly what happened." He said putting enough of annoyance in his tone. "What?" Nate blinked innocently at the other man when he kept staring back and creeping him out.
"Oh, bloody..." Narcho gasped suddenly, setting Nate on unease, more so he ever felt during those weird episodes of late. "You don't know. They didn't tell." Was out like a dark conclusion and fell upon them like an ax falls onto wood.
"What on heaven are you talking about?" Nate was ready to explode, his temper tantrums famous as his criminal career.
"My god, you little bastard, why on rock and salt you never read any of those papers they give you at clinics? Why you keep not seeing the truth?" Narcho was close to screaming his head off because his closest and dearest friend ever was not so powerful as he kept believing.
They'd been best buddies ever since that camp adventure and somehow over the years Noel had been like older brother to the boy who, it turned out, lived down the same street. And during all that time together he was the one checking out the younger one's health. Of course he seemed fine, nothing that lasted after that horrific crashing his head open. At least nothing anyone worried about anyway.
However, Noel worried. Every time Nate had a dizzy spell or terrible headache smashed his skull and organized rock concerts. Every time Nate took longer to wake up in the mornings or forgot so many of the random stuff that Noel made to remember.
So far there was nothing to turn on any major warning alarms.
This time it was something. Something somebody overlooked, forgot, missed. Something that caught Commander Alisson out of his afternoon nap and hurrying down the clinic's hallway towards his best friend's room.
Another incident.
That was how he found it blinking on his workstation screen.
A system programmed long ago. Every time any medical system had Nate's name into system it would immediately blink his screen and he'd be accessing it via his own program for a read.
Last time he let it be because nothing indicated anything worrying aside some post-shock aftereffects one usually expected.
This time doctors had been more devoted and spotted it as something more than aftereffects. They noticed weird patterns and abnormal rhythms.
And screen blinked like mad...
"Narcho, come on. That's silly. Just darned silly. I'm fine. Just some fucking karma bite for all my crimes obviously. Why would I want to read something strange to me?" Nate tried to wave it off like an annoying fly. But this was much more persistent mosquito. He sensed that. Narcho wouldn't react the way he did if it was just some print error.
But something was less than fine, he felt that. And obviously the monitor by the wall agreed. It's beeps suddenly changed the pattern and went on a funny tune instead.
"Nate?" Narcho suddenly was above his face and Nate realized he started to feel off. But before reply formed and reached his lips room burst of action and he slipped into that neverland he something slips into. He just hoped Narcho didn't know that. Because then he'd never see the light of it. His friend had always been awfully watchful and careful about stuff that could leave him injured, almost as if afraid of something to happen.
Nate just didn't get it. Until he did...
"Y'know, bro, I was always sorta expecting something. Something like those weird episodes you have, or like when you go all about and can't stop your temper from exploding. Hell, I was even preparing for your memory to go off completely." Noel paused. "But this... this was never there. Not even for a second. And I always told you to be careful with electronics because I know that being shocked here was more dangerous than back home. But of course, you're Nate-the-adventurer, you can't just stay out of trouble." He spoke with a hint of something in his voice.
"I didn't know you cared this much." Nate had to talk before Commander did shame to his reputation by bursting out in tears.
He stayed with his eyes closed, both- because of strange weakness that made his muscles feel like they were from rubber and because he feared to look at his friend.
A hand landed on his shoulder, "You have no idea how much I care. You don't know what lengths I'm ready to cross just for you to be safe. I love you, and I'm not ever ready to loose you." Came the incredibly deep and uncharacteristical reply. And it made something snap inside.
Nate had never thought about such things, so serious stuff. No, he was always about having fun and going to a party.
"Are you going to tell me finally?" He asked, risking a peep through his dark, thick lashes. Narcho looked sad and close to tears, just like he sounded. It made Nate scared because he'd never seen his friend this far from his usual self.
"Nate, you little bird. How come you still are looking so innocent? How come you haven't noticed anything?" Came the poetical answer. But Noel continued, "You seem to ignore something, buddy."
Nate had to blink open both his eyes, and notice the different room and new monitors around. That and some strange device hooked up to his chest. "Okay, I see you're upset but now I'm seriously confused. I have no idea what is that's gotten you so messed up." He pointed out with some level of distress appearing in his voice.
And he felt so tired. Like somebody had put a blanked of exhaustion on him. He had to refrain from looking at the other side of his bed to check.
"Oh my little birdie." Narcho said engulfing Nate in a tender embrace that took him by surprise and made him worry about his friend who rarely showed such emotions.
"Yeah, I love you too, bear, but what am I missing here?" He tried again.
But before anything left his fellow's mouth a joyful nurse burst through the door and announced a portion of activities she needed Nate to be left alone for and that later Narcho will be allowed to return.
All that was delivered with a utter glee and wild spark in the girl's eyes and a wink towards Nate. Whatever it meant.
Although he recalled another nurse portraying same glint in her eyes.
It felt almost like that one time they posed as lovers to get inside that fancy hotel suite. The crazy 'couples only' kind. But the food and atmosphere was so worth it, besides they never struggled with their role, it came surprisingly easy and natural. And of course, it sold the whole affair like sparkles in their cheerful champagne-like drink that was even fuzzier than he ever recalled.
The squeeze of his wrist and hand on his shoulder brought the reality back in the equation and Nate let the nurse fuss all over him. But his mind was partially vacant suddenly. Half of it still engulfed into something deeper than ever and other part only absently observed the actions of the nurse and her happy chatter. It somehow soothed him like nothing else aside the warm imprint of worry his friend left after removing his hand and leaving the room.
And he was certain their mutual love was something coming from long years of friendship tougher than any diamond on Earth or any meteor in space.
So why people made it something more? Like that old lady near Fi-Na-Wayette. Oh how much comments they had to listen throughout the evening, starting with how nice they looked together and all the way to about how much kids they should raise together. Oh what a splendor that had been, and food was terrific.
Suddenly the warmth was back on his shoulder and with a light squeeze he drifted off..
Narcho was lounging in the molded-chair, absently rubbing at his ribs, probably where the old injury had left its reminder. An old habit coming from the long days at center and surviving for more than pure stubbornness. He remembered only the force of impact and the feeling of bones snapping under the pressure of it. That was all. Nothing else.
And Nate had found him and dragged his slack, weakened body out of center to their small shack and tended his injuries until Narcho was okay again.
Now he was again in the role of caregiver. Like he always did.
He watched the younger man lying on the bed covered with dark flower pattern clad bedding. Another blanket, duvet, placed over the slightly shivering body.
Nate was pale and looked more ill than he was while ago. And suddenly Noel couldn't tell what time units were used here, this planet becoming too confusing. More confusing than ever.
Then he recalled, the same as on Earth..
Almost like home... that was what Nate had first said about this place, and really, it almost was. But only just that. Almost.
Noel fingered his military badge that still called him 'Commander Narcho' (a little thing still following his official 'Commander Alisson' badge) as if it was all to know about him. But he knew that the only one who cared was there, shivering under the warm blankets and looking too close to nether-place than ever except for when his head was bashed heavily.
This was the only person who knew him more than anyone else ever would.
Another nurse piped in with a tray. Special meal for both of them, she said, had to be taken in secretly. He thanked politely and smiled accordingly.
They'd put together actual food instead of the casual hospitals "plop" they gave to patients and only dressed into more colors to patients' relatives and guests.
That devious bunch of birds, he thought with a light laugh. Yeah, somebody sold them as lovers and everybody else bought the idea like flowers soak up sunlight. To the staff they were going to be a couple. Not that he minded, folks here at least had the tolerance and empathy those back home never possessed or rarely ever exercised.
Such a relief, at least for this one...
Nate couldn't point out what woke him up so abruptly. Whether it was the unfamiliar weight on his lap, or maybe the unfamiliar beeps and pings of the machine connected to him. Maybe it was the slight rumble of his stomach, just as well it could've been the twinge in his chest too.
Maybe the old moments of oddness are returning after all.
Nate slowly raised his hand and carefully lifted it to his face. It felt strangely heavy, but he shrugged it off and went on with rubbing his tired face.
He'd need a good shave, was final conclusion before he felt Noel slowly stirring.
Oh Noel was a tight sleeper, most of the times only direct violence could wake him up. That was a shared gift, although not by nature for Nate. He's never been such sleeper, just after gaining consciousness several months after his skull was healed and cranial swelling was gone. After that Noel pointed it out one day he'd sent almost an hour in vain trying to wake up his friend.
But now, years later it was Noel himself so deeply asleep only an explosion noise could wake him up.
Thankfully not this time. Narcho took his own sweet time to haul his brain and body into action and it happened smoothly so Nate could keep his stretching exercise without trying to kick his friend off the bed.
"I would have never guessed you're a military guy, Narcho. I always doubted whether it was possible to employ a soldier who slept deeper than a brown bear during deepest winters." He commented with a good dose of humor.
"I'm sure they had a reason for wanting me so badly." Came the husky reply.
"Yeah, your snoring would definitely hypnotize whole armadas of enemy force if they put you on their speakers."
"Haha, so plonkin' funny I'm rolling on the floor already along with all the staff around." Narcho said almost growling like a starved bear.
"I was hoping to achieve this effect." Nate grinned at his buddy. Then he looked around and spotted the plates. "I had no idea they offered room service."
Narcho blinked until his brain beeped with a memory of nurse sporting mischief and bringing the tray. "Oh that. Just a nurse with food came by earlier. I'm not sure if that's still warm." He said with as much as nonchalance as possible.
"Oh really? Just a nurse?" Nathan teased.
"What?" Noel became annoyed.
"They are supposed to make sure nobody starves here." He defended.
"Right. And sure as frozen beans that nurse specifically makes such food for everyone here." Now he was shooting with fully loaded sarcasm gun. But it was either Narcho really was that blind or played possum.
"What is so special about that stuff? I don't see anything. Maybe if you count it has color instead of pastel nothingness." The man still held up.
"Alright. As you wish. Just put it into oven that's in that drawer," he pointed at one next to another nightstand, "and pop it in on a minute of warming mode." Nate instructed his friend with not-so-hidden tease in his voice. Noel just sighed like a wrestler after a tough part and did as told.
They waited for the ding in silence.
And in silence did they ate.
"Not that bad. I expected worst. One time it was something resembling smashed potatoes with gelled broccoli sauce. I never figured out what the chef was trying to say with that. Or maybe they were too hangover to notice the absence of salt and anything else that would have made it into a pleasant meal. And stop staring at me like a poodle looks at a bone." Nate finally stopped panting. He needed some air because suddenly he felt winded.
Noel kept glaring questioningly at him. But before any could mention anything a new nurse popped in with a tray and tablet computer.
"Morning boys, I hope you had a good night here. I'm sorry but I have to ask you, Commander, to step out for a moment. We'll be done soon and in couple hours doctor will come." She made it a fast speech and without a second too late begun to fiddle with empty dishes and something around. She sure made enough noise with all that clattering and deliberate not-paying-attention.
Nate only smirked at that because for all that mattered he could bet that half the staff was already in for a bet themselves and had sent a new observer.
"Well, then, I'll be out for a second. Just as well could get some air and stretch my legs. See you later, bird." Commander Narcho patted Nate's shoulder and passed close by the nurse (who in turn whispered at the oblivious man "to not be so shy about it and consider getting something to cheer the patient up") and cast another glance at his friend (still absolutely unaware of the full meaning underneath her words because he couldn't believe history could repeat itself).
"Your friend seems a bit shy, don't you think Mr Holler?" The nurse was suddenly by his side again, puttering about the wires and cables with one hand and rummaging the drawers with the other.
Nate grinned, "You can call me Nate. And yes, he's not used to show emotions. Military and all I suppose. But don't you worry, I'll make sure he doesn't miss anything."
"Alright, Nate. But don't you dare stressing yourself out. Doctor Martinez will be soon in and he's quite frankly worried about the test results." She said with unexpected kindness on her face and care in her voice.
"I'll make sure I'm okay. But I'm not sure about the tests." Nate let some worry finally appear on his features.
"Oh, I believe things will turn out just fine. Just rest up well. I'll see later." With that and a wink and smile the nurse was gone and he was left all alone. Somehow he'd missed her fingers pushing medication buttons and without much of a further thought Nathaniel fell asleep.
He was awoken by voices outside his room. There were soft talking in hushed tones and there was stressed tones of frustration.
He waited for them to become familiar and decipherable.
But it didn't happen until the same nurse returned with her joyful expression, bright smile and carefree attitude. As if she totally believed everyone will get cured and sent back home to their loved ones.
Like nobody ever got sick forever and didn't die.
"So, I see you've rested well, Nate." She chirped like a sparrow in an early spring day.
"I guess I did so." He chirped back equally bright.
She did some measurements and plugged her computer again. With fast movements she had everything done and then did some monitor check. "How are you feeling? No lies, I'll know." Finally some serious notes appeared.
"Well..." he started but couldn't really decide. "for the moment I'm feeling fine. No pain, no major discomfort or anything. Actually I feel bit stiff and my back is not overjoyed with this position. But I can't say anything about the bed, it's better than I used to have." He went on, almost making things slip.
Fortunately the chipper nurse seemed okay with the answer.
"I'll tell doctor, but I'm sure he'll be in in a few. He's just outside. But, please, if you do feel something unusual tell somebody. It's very important right now. Yeah, okay, it's always important to let someone know if you feel poor, but right at this moment it's crucial." She sounded like an overprotective mother. It creeped Nate out a bit.
"Okay. I promise to make sure I'm noticed then." He obligatedly promised her with a bright smile. Then she was gone out the door and another half sentence without meaning slipped through the door.
He didn't care about that anymore. New thoughts returned to the surface of his mind and Nate drifted off to some nether place of his mind to ponder over something.
"Doctor, how is he?" Noel's voice penetrated the blackness of the world like a needle pokes through a balloon.
"I'm slightly concerned about some minor results so I ordered repeated tests. But I'm sure it's just a fluke of the measurement devices. However I'm not happy with other results." Doctor said and took a breath before going on. "See, your friend here is rather ill. I'm sure you are aware of repeated risks of electric shock interference and having been shocked with high voltages more than once is a serious risk of developing a heart disorder."
"Yes, I am aware. I've had colleagues getting shocked and dying from heart failure. And I'm acutely aware of Nathaniel being shocked twice recently." Noel replied professionally as ever. Nate nearly smirked at that diplomacy in his voice.
"Yes, we received his previous papers. I don't know the level of your relationship with him but I strongly suggest talking about all the other times because we're worried about his heart. If he's not getting more careful about it I'm afraid there's nothing anyone can do about it." Doctor went on and Nate felt panic raising in his chest.
All the other times...
Oh how he's going to be a dead man. Maybe he should have known that things like that leaves notice about and that no matter how many aliases he's using there will always be something pinning everything to his only one. Damn. He hated those stupid electric buzzers everywhere.
He barely even realized what was going on when that stupid thing attacked him at the store, let alone he was anywhere more aware the one before that.
Okay, the previous few had been during his jobs and there had always been a considerable amount of luck involved because he hadn't got caught despite being knocked out at the scene.
"All the others.." Noel whispered angrily. "So this is not just a repeated accident?" He was surely fuming now.
"Don't get angry at him. He needs peace." Nurse was speaking. And doctor agreed, "Exactly. No need to be angry. Maybe those were accidents and Nate was too ashamed to tell."
And Nate sure as hell wasn't planning on telling about these two if it hadn't been for somebody watching. They both knew that. Usually Commander isn't getting updates about whatever heists Nate is doing and neither about his aliases. So it was clearly going to end up an unpleasant talk, Nate mentally put his head into sand like an ostrich.
"Doctor, I know it's confidential information but can you tell me how serious is this? Is there something I should do or move things for him?" Noel's diplomacy returned and some plotting took place instead of anger. That made Nate feel better, maybe things won't be that bad in the end...
"I understand your concern, however we'll need to know exact your relationship matters. I'm sure you know the policy." Doctor sounded apologetic. But it made Nate nervous suddenly. Probably because this was where Commander Narcho will shine with some quick fast thinking skills... or not.
"I am aware of the policy, yes." He spoke slowly. But the nurse got quicker.
"Of course, Commander. But feel safe, we won't tell anyone. Besides it's nothing to be ashamed of. I understand you come from a place where it is judged and frowned upon but I guarantee that here it's safe to speak. However we'll make sure military not gets this." She spoke fast and Nate almost could see her blushing brightly.
Oh and he saw Commander Narcho getting all tomato red and Doctor Martinez flushing pink-ish.
He had to refrain from bursting out laughing.
"Well..." Commander started, clearly this was turning the only way he could make it thorough on safe ground. Even if it meant some tiny amount of white lie. Obviously he had no other option left. They didn't pass as brothers, nor they had any other legal ties that could make it all legal and safe.
Only this... "yes, okay. Alright. You've got me here, I mean us. So yes, I and Nate are partners but we don't like to make it public and because of my position we'd like to keep it secret. However I know policy so there it is.." the awkwardness was palpable, literally.
Nate could take it and make sandcakes out of it.
"Well, in that case, Commander Allison, I want you to come to my office and we'll discuss some things over." Doctor immediately turned his family-mode and went on with kindness reserved only for family members.
Nate cheered at his smart 'lover' for using those military trained brains of his. Nurse truly made it suspiciously easy.
"Alright." Was all Commander said as he squeezed his sleeping friend's shoulder, a gesture he needed to reassure himself of his presence still beside. Then they left.
Nate tried to fake sleeping more but he suspected the nurse being aware of the fact her patient was eavesdropping. But before he could fake awakening sudden bout of coughing jolted him upright. He felt like trying to cough up a lung and the feeling worsened till unpleasant pain stabbing in his chest.
He flashed a thankful smile as the straw appeared at his slightly cracked lips and he sipped at the clear water until the cup was empty and he was exhausted.
"Thanks." He rasped his gratefulness.
"It's okay, but I'm afraid you are in need of a test right now. That cough sounded bad enough. Just rest, I'll deal with everything." The cheerful tone was back and Nate gave in to exhaustion.
Nate woke up from strange sensation. It had penetrated his dreamless daze and gently brought to the reality. Partially he wanted to sleep more and possibly forever, partially he was too curious about what was what made him so aware.
And there it was...
Soft touches to his forehead, gentle strokes of a hand caressing his dark curls. It was so cautiously tender that it made him smile and sigh deeply. Unfortunately the touches withdrew with that.
Nate popped his eyes open and blinked at the blurry image. But it wasn't just that. Now there was a huge plasticy mask covering half of his face.
He made a noise that was partially a groan and partially a question.
"Shh. Don't try to speak. That is oxygen mask you needed because something was wrong with your lungs." Came the explanation. And before he made indication of another question Noel kept speaking. "I just don't know what to do now. You've made me into a liar and now I'm told to find your will. I am not sure what to think anymore."
Nate smiled. His ever caring friend was going through so many things his new life made strange. He sighed again.
"I know, bird, I know. None of us chose this. But why did you have to be so damn careless about your own life? Why you let things go so wrong? My little bird." And that was probably closest to tears Nate has ever seen Noel. In all those years he'd never witnessed such raw emotions, not during their temper tantrum exchanges nor when they were close to starvation. All those times somehow had passed on with little emotions.
This was completely new range of emotions.
Nate lifted his hands, which came surprisingly easy, and used his sign language skills to express some of his concerns.
''Noel, stop. I'm not dying yet. Besides I don't have any other will for you than wish for you to live a happy life. I don't own anything that I hadn't yet eaten or sold. And I wasn't doing anything to endanger my life.'' he signed as best as he could. But he still remembered the signs, even after such a long time.
"Oh I don't know. I've heard nurses having rumors rolling around that you've saved somebody from a fire but stayed anonymous. And then there had been few thefts that had left some places without power because somehow some cables got pulled or somebody had tripped the anti-thief system."
Okay, he was busted. If Nolan knew about all that... Oh, right, he was never caught nor noticed. But either way he realized that Noel had been watching out for his oldest friend. It both ashamed him and made feel loved. Strangest combo ever.
''Sorry, I wasn't planning on anything. But I can't lie, yes, I've had had few unfortunate accidents that I'm not particularly proud of but I just didn't feel like it would ever gonna cause any issues. I promise.'' he signed again. Noel sighed and shook his head.
"I know, bird. But I just wish you had told me somehow. I really was worried. Still am. I don't want to loose you."
''I know. I'm so sorry. I am not always the brightest bulb in a bunch.'' Nate admitted.
"Well, don't say that. I still see you glowing as bright as ever." Noel said with a smile.
''Hey, how about a show for the staff. I'm sure they're dying to see you loosen up some.'' Nate suggested.
Noel stared at him for a while and then climbed up on the comfy hospital bed and snuggled beside his friend.
He still wasn't sure about what it all was about but he only wanted to feel his friend close and breathing. He didn't care about gossip or anything. Just his only friend, his family as close as possible and still alive.
They didn't need words to communicate, it was enough to be next to each other.
So they snuggled as close as possible to each other and fell asleep. Unaware of a nurse sneaking in and snapping a picture of 'the cutest thing ever' because for some reason such display of love had become rare in their hospital.
She smiled and left the room to print out the picture to show to other nurses and possibly frame it and nail it to staff room's wall. Or maybe the Memory Wall, because they couldn't tell how much longer their patient will live.