(no subject)

Jul 01, 2005 19:28

Name 20 people you know

1 Kate

2 Clare

3 Johnny

4 Jamaica Zach

5 Freshman (now sophomore!!) Zach

6 Fabeah

7 Bo

8 Anise

9 Sean

10 Robert

11 Isaac

12 Ben

13 Brian

14 Jess

15 Sarah

16 Kendall

17 Caitlin

18 Rachel

19 Sonny

20 Satie

Who is #8 going out with?: No one that I know of

Is #9 a boy or a girl?: boy

Would #11 and #2 date? ha ha noooo

How about #18 and #4? It'd be funny. Jamaica and Man-Voice!! haha

What grade is #17 in?: Freshie at VANDY baby!

When was the last time you talked to #12?: like, 2 am

What is #6's favorite band?: um. . .TLC or some similar hip-hop group probably.

Does #1 have any siblings?: Heck yes! Alex.

Would you ever date #3?: aaghh noooo

Would you ever date #5?: he he he...maaaybee

is #16 single?: I think so

What's #15's last name?: Gehring

What's #5's middle name?: I forgot lol

What's #10's fantasy?: Being as sexy as he thinks he is. haha

Would #14 and #19 make a good couple?: a weird one.

What school does #20 go to?: Cardinal Gibbons

And #1: AS

Tell me a random fact about #11: He enjoys Coke with lime while riding the Ingles pony, followed by playing Pac Man in the laundramat.

Have you ever had a crush on #16?: ummm. . .let's think. . . no.

Where does #9 live?: Harlem, baby!

What's #4's favorite color?: I wanna say black. . .

Would you makeout with #14?: erm no.

Are #5 & #6 best friends?: Pretty good friends, but not best.

Does #7 like #20?: do you mean like-like? No, she's not like that!! lol but they're friends

Does #8 like #19?: She likes to annoy him

How did you meet #15?: school

Does #10 have any pets?: I'm not sure, but he told me a story about a goldfish once. I think.

Is #12 older than you?: yep

Have you ever given anything to #13? no but I once took his grey fleece jacket.

Is #17 the sexiest person alive?: of COURSE she is. haha
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