Recent Movies

Jan 13, 2008 00:17

I saw The Golden Compass on Christmas day (one of our family traditions!) I thought it was pretty well-done overall. It was certainly a very pretty movie! From what I remember, it followed the plot well, but I'm not sure if someone who hadn't read the book would have followed it easily.

I saw Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Wednesday and LOVED it! I love musicals anyway, and the music is just fantastic. It's funny and sad and the gruesomeness was just at the right level to not gross me out too much. I could see tributes to it being a stage play. I got the original broadway cast recording after I saw it. Angela Lansbury plays the same part as Helena Bonham-Carter does in the movie, which is strange to think about (it was in 1979 though...), but I enjoy listening to the songs again, and hearing the ones that were cut. Also I thought the singing in the movie was good. Everyone really sang their parts, from what I understand. AND there's a girl who is the main love interest and she's got WHITE-BLONDE EYEBROWS in the movie, just like me! I was so excited. I was like, "yeah! represent!" I found out later from IMDB that they were bleached.

Tonight I saw Juno, another great movie! It was hilarious and poignant. There's a great appearance from Rainn Wilson (Dwight from The Office), and all the cast was great, really. I didn't know who the actress who played the main character was. Ellen Page. She looks familiar though. Michael Cera is basically the same character as he was in Superbad: awkward, shy, kinda dorky, but he's great at it!


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