The spiders have it out for me!

Oct 18, 2007 14:11

Last night as I came home from seeing Elizabeth, I walked to the door of my apartment to find a HUGE spider hanging out in the crack between the door and its frame about halfway down from the doorknob. This sucker had a body as big as a nickel, and it's leg span was larger than a half dollar! It was just sitting there, waiting for me to open my door so it could live in my apartment with me.

I killed it.

It took about 5 tries, but I knocked it down from its perch and stepped on it at least 4 more times before finally flattening it. What a trooper!

I wonder if that spider would have killed a centipede.

Anyway, on to Elizabeth. I thought it was ok. It was more confusing than the first movie in terms of secret plots to kill the queen, and not really tied together as a story, but it's visually beautiful and I thought the acting was good. They kept making references about Sir Walter Raleigh's "shining city" he was going to build in the New World, and since we were really near Raleigh, that was kinda funny. It's not exactly shiny!

I think I need a "spiders" tag!

movies, spiders, journal

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