Dreams and Across the Universe

Oct 17, 2007 10:16

I had a very Stephen King-ish dream last night! I dreamed I was visiting my grandmother (who wasn't really my grandmother, as it happens in dreams) and we noticed people weren't feeling well. My grandmother asked me to walk her home, and I did. As I was walking back, there was a bell chime, and I heard a lot of thumps, like people falling. I found my sister, and she and I holed up in our house. Besides some random guy, we were the only survivors. Our house was on this huge hill, and there was a zoo below us. (How convenient.) We watched all the animals escaping and my sister started asking if the lions were going to get us! Then my dog started freaking out because there were hyenas at the back door.

Then I woke up.

In other news, I saw Across the Universe last night. It's a musical using Beatles songs to tell a story. I really liked it! I had medium expectations, so I definitely wasn't disappointed. All the music was really well done, with the exception of Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite performed by Eddie Izzard. I think the song would have been fine if he had sung it instead of spoken it. Or if he had gone a bit more like Jim Broadbent in Moulin Rouge. It seemed a bit flat to me. Jim Sturgess, who plays Jude, bears a resemblance to young Paul McCartney. Oh, and I really liked Bono's appearance! All in all, if you love Beatles music, then I think you'll enjoy this movie. There are lots of little jokes that you would miss if you didn't know the songs. (i.e. When Sadie tells Max and Jude that for all she knows they could have killed their grandmothers with a hammer. This might seem like a very random comment if you didn't know Maxwell's Silver Hammer.)

movies, dreams

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