Krycek is on a flight to Paris, orders of whatever's left of the Resistance, in a slight disguise - Armani suit, glasses, longer-than-usual hair. And who else ends up on that flight? Fox Mulder, of course. In the wake of Senate hearings on the (thwarted) alien invasion, Mulder has written a book and is doing a tour.
Also on this flight - six kidnappers whose ultimate plan seems to be to end Mulder. But Krycek and Mulder have other plans, and while the hijackers seem to have the advantage, our boys find themselves in the company of passengers more willing to get involved with putting a stop to the kidnappers' plans. Alex takes a bullet to the chest, but the boys survive.
Recovering in Lisbon, Alex learns that the declarations of apology and love that he and Mulder exchanged on the plane were recorded by savvy passengers with cell phones, and the boys are pretty much big damn heroes.
Heroes, by pollybywater