Sixteen-year-old Kon is recovering in the hospital after a rescue with members of the JL goes wrong, leaving Kon with serious spinal injuries. Up until this time, Kon has been living with Clark and Martha on the farm. Clark is currently engaged to Lois, and he and Lex are not on the best terms. Chloe tries to explain to Kon that Clark and Lex are both friends and enemies, stating that "you can love someone and be mad at them at the same time."
Kon's been aware for a couple of years now that Lex is his other father, but has not been close to him. However, when Lex learns (on the news) about Kon's injuries, he demands Kon come live with him so that his own medical scientists can find a way to repair the spinal damage. When Kon balks, Lex threatens to release the identities of the Titans to the press.
So Kon settles in at Lex's penthouse. And in the midst of family arguments, visits from his friend Tim, and his own healing, Kon gets used to Lex. And he discovers that Clark's feelings for Lex are warming up, as well.
Reconcilable Differences, by shallot (aka astolat)
Also features cute artwork by mutecornett.