A long rhyming poem telling a story of Clark arriving in Smallville, some Clex love, Lana and what happened to her parents, Jonathan's hatred of the Luthors, and murder attempts on Lana. Ends with Clark and Lex going off to Metropolis together to build a life together and to get away from Lana. Early Smallville feel - maybe first three seasons or so.
"I'm sorry, Clark, darling," the billionaire said.
"But she flirted with me, and I just lost my head
And when she went on about secrets and lies,
And parents and green rocks that fall from the skies..."
"I know," Clark admitted, "It drives us insane.
But smothering her really won't end the pain.
We'd end up in jail, and not all your dad's riches
Would keep us from becoming some other man's bitches."
Clex and the Pity, by klulu