Jack brings Daniel to stay with the O'Neill family in Chicago to recover after the events of "The Curse" (he's still feeling down about Steven). During their stay, Daniel meets (and grows fond of) Jack's parents, Joe and Kate, and Aunt Ruth (who's a bit wild, and loves Little House on the Prairie books). The family adore Daniel. And Jack, who's loved Daniel as a friend, is beginning to struggle with the fact that he's feeling more of an attraction to him lately.
Several very sweet scenes occur during the story - Jack taking off Daniel's glasses when Daniel falls asleep; Daniel painting sayings onto bowls for each family member; Kate taking a photo of Daniel in a fisherman's sweater in order to use it for a portrait she wants to paint.
This is the first story in the "A Curse and A Blessing" Series. It's followed by Passion Play (recced separately in this journal).
Prodigal Son, by biblio