spit in my eye

May 03, 2017 23:45

57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?

Okay, hard truth time. I don't get this song. I've never really gotten it, I don't know any of the words aside from the ones everyone sort of mumbles (that's what it sounds like to me, anyway) so I've just kind of nodded along when it comes on at events. I don't particularly like this song and don't know why it's so loved. Like, you do you but you can leave me in the car, thanks.

Title: turnabout
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing(s): Pre-Stiles/Derek
Rating: R
Word Count: 670-ish
Notes: Want to leave me VISUAL and/or SETTING prompts? You can do that here.

“You think the Queen of England ever masturbated?”

I saw something on Twitter about Buckingham Palance trending and ideas about what's going on (death? abdication? Harry's engagement?) are flying around and somehow it led to this. IDEK.

fic: teen wolf, music: random, fandom: memes, fandom: mmom

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