where did the weekend go?

Mar 26, 2017 23:49

I feel like I'm desperately grabbing at it to make it last longer.

35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?

I started to answer this Friday night but I was so damn tired said, "fuck it", closed the tab and went to bed.

I LOVE stationary and pens! They don't have to be pretty or funky colours or anything, I'm just as happy with a blank notebook and a blue Bic pen. Staples is a dangerous store for me but it's easier than the stationary aisle at the dollar store because Staples is hella expensive.

I like to buy new stationary supplies but I rarely have a good purpose for them so I have to restrain myself from buying ALL THE THINGS. For years I've said that I'd be happy in a room full of Rubbermaid storage containers full of Post It pads, pens, and paperclips.

It's been a good weekend. Mom's new mattress came on Saturday and I know I'm happy that she's sleeping on something that can't fight me for seniority around here (it's not THAT old but it's older than it should be and I was barely in double digits when it was new). It also meant that she had to clean up her room AND I finally spurred her to work on the storage room our official spare bedroom has become. I've only been on her to get at it since November.

My aunt and uncle came out with us for Mom's birthday dinner at the new Indian restaurant I've fallen in love with, too. Unfortunately, she ordered her biryani medium-mild (between mild and medium) but it was definitely more medium than mild and she couldn't eat most of her rice. I brought it home because I got plain rice with palak paneer chicken so I can try to cut her hot rice with my mild stuff. I'm such a wuss when it comes to spice-heat that I cut most of my leftovers from the other Indian place here with ranch dressing, even when it's mild.

D and I are going to try our hand at podcasting next weekend but we haven't really nailed down what we're going to talk about it. It's definitely inspired by My Favorite Murder, but we don't want to do the same thing. O said she figured we'd do a mix of pop culture and politics or, as she put it, "poplitics". I'm excited either way, but it's going to be a steep learning curve since we don't have any equipment or anything, LOL. But I'm definitely someone who learns best by doing it myself and trial and error. The next week will be fun as we figure out what the hell we're doing, at any rate!

life: mom, fandom: memes, life: family, life: friends

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