Mar 21, 2017 23:45
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
I sort of bailed on doing this one for yesterday's entry because I already had enough stuff in it and I also couldn't really think of anything. I still can't, actually. At this point anything that happens after 3am is a story because when the hell am I ever out beyond 9-10pm, if it's not a movie?
The majority of my late night shenanigans have been relatively low-key. At some point since 2008 a group of us were drunk, I think, and decided to go to a 24-hour restaurant down the street from a popular bar (that I'm pretty sure we WEREN'T at) so it was always packed. When we were getting ready to leave I saw some girl tripping balls outside, clearly on something. She was rocking back and forth on the walkway out front and her boyfriend was on something, too.
That's... it? And it has nothing to do with my actual friends aside from being out with them when I saw this. I either can never remember anything that did happen on nights out with friends or there's nothing that stands out enough to properly answer this question with. Maybe I'm just hella boring, I don't know.
I'm getting my taxes done tomorrow which means I'm taking the day off work because I journey to the next city over. Partly because the lady I see has done my taxes since 2008, aside from last year, and also it means I get to do a little shopping. My city doesn't have an Old Navy and their Value Village is better, too. And they have a Mexican restaurant! And a Payless! Yes, my city is woefully lacking in the shopping department. :\
Jealous of how fast-paced my life is? Yeah, you are!
I've really got to catch up on my friends list tomorrow, too. I haven't checked it since the 15th and that's a really long time ago. Sorry for the lack of ... uh, paying attention. There's a term for that, right?
fandom: memes,
life: 2017,
life: friends