Mar 06, 2017 23:31
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
Uhh. I don't know, really. I do dumb stuff all the time, don't get me wrong, but for my current friend group there's not much I can think of? Old friend groups, yes but nothing that "is always brought up".
For instance back about 9-10 years ago I was hanging out with a couple friends watching movies and getting high. We'd bought a chocolate cake and when we cut into it we made a bit of a mess of it and it was crumbly (in a good way). I was trying to say we should save whatever was left and eat it later but it came out as, "Save the leavings for over".
Sometimes my words don't come out right, like that example, or one of my friends will call me on saying things in the key of East Coast where we say "aunt" like haunt or flaunt and not like ant (my mom always said my aunt was a person, not a bug). I was trying to say the title "Ant Man and the Wasp" but wasp came out rhyming with fat instead of aunt with the "ah" sound. "Ant Man and the Whaaasp".
D will laugh at me when I mishear her (or my brain misinterprets whatever anyone's saying, as I believe). She'll say something like, "Park on the right" but I'll hear (and say), "partner what's bright?" But she also thought "pirating" as in downloading was pronounced "pie-rate" so I tease her about things like that.
When I got home from work I noticed I had a spot on my right side under my ribs that hurt when I pressed it. I don't remember running into anything or getting hurt and I can feel a lump when I run my fingers over it. I'm not freaked out, more annoyed. I know I should get it looked at but that means I have to make a doctor's appointment and go for tests and be irritated. I'm more hoping it'll just go away in the next day or so and will have been nothing.
Going to see Get Out tomorrow night and today with some snowballing an innocent hope turned into a really great idea to celebrate my company's anniversary this year so I'm pretty jazzed right now. :D
life: health,
movies: 2017,
fandom: memes,
life: i got this! job,
life: friends